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Marley's P.O.V

We live in a world where judgement overrules our freedom to be ourselves.

Society's standards are what restrain us from blossoming into who and what we are meant to be as a person, which in all honesty, is completely unfair.

Our fear of being dissimilar from the rest of the population results into miserable citizens, every single one of them indifferent and plainer than the one before.

We fear judgement, but the people who judge us fear judgement themselves.

Why are we all so terrified of standing out and being who we are?

We decide to throw out our unique personalities so that we may fake another boring one in a crowd filled with identically faded people.

We live in a world painted with shades of black and white where any sign of colour seems like an absolute crime.

Why would you allow yourself to be another black rose when you could be a beaming daisy?

We could easily scrub the black paint off our bodies and fingernails to show off our lively colours, but for some inexplicable reason we chose not to.

By doing that, we are not only throwing away who we are meant to be, but our happiness as well.

The second that you trash your happiness, you simply become another glass half empty when you could have been a glass half full.

You just become another crumpled piece of paper that could have become a paper plane that proudly soared through the sky.

You become another lonesome raindrop in a storm while you could have been the bright sun shinning above the clouds.

You turn into another regular star when you could have been the one shooting across our galaxies like a beaming light.

Being different is never a terrible thing to be.

Society's controlling grip on our lives is not too strong to keep us from washing off the paint and fighting back.

If you have enough courage to rise through society's tight grip and remarks, you can rise through anything.

Don't be afraid to be who you are because if there's one thing that I've learned, it's that you should always show off your bright and happy colours.

The minute you take back the freedom to be yourself, you'll start to see the most wonderful things in life, I promise.

At least that's what I thought until I became different in the most unexpected of ways.

Now, that's another lesson.

Life will find the most amazing ways to fascinate you and even make you grow as a person.

Then again, life may simply be screwing you over before changing your entire future in the fraction of a second just because it likes being a real bitch sometimes.

All you need to do is hold on and stay positive because life is and will probably always be a little unsteady.

Or you know, a lot because like I said life can be real bitch sometimes, even in the most miraculous of ways.


Okay, so Marley is like my favorite person ever.


They are all a little older in this fan fiction because they're finishing high school and I've also modified their names. Their full names are in the cast. Do you guys like them? c:

Also, I'd like to thank spiderly for being so supportive and listening to me ramble on and on about my ideas for this story. She's an amazing friend and definitely deserves a follow. You may also spam her with votes and comments to compensate for everything she does for me! cx

I'd also like to thank neverlanded  for the gorgeous cover! Spam her too hehe and also oceanbeatz  for being so great! cx

Anyway, how'd you like the prologue? :33

I've got to admit, I'm kinda proud of it.

*Flips hair.*

I am just kidding, I freaking love this masterpiece because it is legit the best thing that I have ever written and if anyone steals any part of it or even hates on it I will not hesitate to cut.

*Chuckles with knife.*

I am fucking serious.

Love ya! <33

-S u n s h e l l ☀️  

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