Chapter 2-Assemble

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Chapter 2-Assemble


Tracking down the candidates for the Avengers Initiative isn't very hard. And by that, I mean we know where each and every candidate is 24/7. Tony Stark, the Iron Man, is in New York. Bruce Banner, the Hulk, is somewhere in... Cal... somewhere across the country. They told me I just wasn't paying attention. Steve Rogers, Captain America, is living in an apartment in New York funded by S.H.I.E.L.D. Natasha is on a mission and Clint... well we all know where Clint was, but we don't want to talk about it.

Because our home base, my home period, was destroyed and ten feet under, Fury has relocated us to the Helicarrier. The flying base that, in my opinion, is ten times more amazing than our base on the ground. I feel terrible for saying that but being up in the air is pretty wonderful.

I stand in my make shift room and stare at the full-length mirror. My blonde hair is pulled up into a tight pony tail. And although I'm not that tall... alright lie I am 5'5 which was a pretty average height for my age, I still fall short under Natasha and Clint. But the one thing I do have going for me is my eyes, Natasha always says my crystal blue eyes shimmer when I move.


And, because I feel like it will come up later, I have a pretty average weight too. I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny. I am... average. I don't know how long I stand looking into the mirror but before I know it, there's a loud knock on my door.

"Christy. I need your help."

It's a voice that contains both power and peace.

I smile.

Agent Coulson.

I quickly run to the door and throw it open. Phil Coulson's face is perfectly at ease, but anyone with a brain could tell his eyes were throwing major "I'm freakin out" vibes. Phil Coulson, afraid? Impossible.

"I need your help assembling the Avengers," Coulson says.

"You need my help doing what now? Coulson, I'm not a field agent... I work the desk job," I say.

"No but you have the best personality on this Helicarrier," Coulson says. I raise an eyebrow as he continues, "I mean, Christy... you aren't hard like a lot of the agents here. You still have a touch of kindness and humanity. Some of these candidates need...persuading."

Oh, great so I have a wonderful personality now. Good to know.

"Who do you need me to get?" I ask.

He hesitates.

"No," I say.

"Please," Coulson pleads.

"Why can't I just get Natasha?" I ask.

"Because I have Natasha!" Coulson says, "Tony Stark is impossible, and I think you're the only one who can handle him."

"No no please no, Coulson! I don't want to get Tony Stark!" I groan.

"It's for mankind, Christy. Please?" Coulson asks.

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