Chapter 1

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Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Taraji Henson I and 21 years old. My best friend is Kim Kardashian. I am single. I live in LA,California and I am in collage but I don't live in a dorm because I got a internship a year ago so I live in a apartment with my puppy named Cajun red and please don't ask my why I named him that.
Alarm goes off.
  Alarm goes off 5 minutes later.
  Alarm goes off again 5 minutes later.
"O man I have to start my day." As I get out of bed I look for my slippers and find them all wet by the drool by my dog ,Cajun Red. I quickly put them
In the washer. After that I make breakfast, take a shower, get dressed and grab my things , then leave to go get a few things for work tomorrow .
  My best friend calls.
  "Hey Taraji!" she says
  "Hey Kim."
  "What aren't doing today?" She says excitedly.
  "Nothing just going to the store to get a few things."
"I was just wondering what u were doing about 3:30 today?"
  "Nothing I was just going to chill, you?" She sounds like she is excited about something that is big news.
  "Well, I was wondering IF U WANTED TO GO TO A DRAKE CONCERT WITH ME!!"
  "Omg yea, I will meet You at your house at 2:30!"
  "Ok will do.."
  "Wait do I have to pay for a ticket?"
  "Nah, I won front row tickets."
  "K, bye then."

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