Chapter 2

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When all of my errands are done,and I got home. Now it's 11:00 am so I have plenty of time to chill. When I get home I put on some TV and watch two of my shows of Empire.
Now It's time for me to get ready. I find a dress to wear after I put on my makeup. It has a sweetheart top that is sleeveless and is a violent purple shade and is lose from the waits down. The heels are black with a strap on the foot and on the ankle. I get my black choker and apply it on my neck. By now it is 2:00 and now I'm ready to head down to Kim's house.
When I get there I see her daughter North and I ask for her youngest baby, Saint, but he is asleep. We start heading out.
  We get to the place where the concert is held, and there are light everywhere.


  After the concert is over we are discussing witch part of the show we loved.
  " Remember when On dance came on and controlla that man behind us was singing but he couldn't sing because his voice was so deep?" she says and follows with a laugh.
  "Yup that was funny." I follow with a giggle.
  We get to her place and I say by to her family then I'm start heading home and I'm exhausted. I play my music in the car.
As I continue driving, this man cuts me off.
" what the fuck!" Now I'm pissed, so I make him pull over, I get out the car and so does he. I am about ready to yell but when he stepped out of the car I wanted to yell but couldn't find the words. He was waiting for me to say something and so was I. He got into the car and was waiting but all I could think about is his looks. He had blue eyes like diamonds his jawline was perfect every time he chewed . He got back into the car then was waiting there, I saw him kiss a girl. My heart melted, but I just drove off. All I could think about on this ride was him I think this car is following me but I can't make out if it's the same car because it is dark outside. I get home and the car isn't there.
Once I open the door I just remember that I have to go get dog food.
Now I have to leave the house again and as I pull out the parking lot and pass the gate I think I see the same car it look really familiar. I pull into the parking lot of the store put of my extra flats in the back seat and run in the store and I look to see who cones in by the glad and o see the same person that cut me off earlier. All I can think about is was that the same car following me every time I looked back? Or was he really following me? I get the food and I head to my car. I don't see anybody. As I get into my apartment I get comfortable. Then I fall asleep
Please tell me if I need any adjustments because this is only my first time writing a book. Thank u for reading!!!!! I will try to edit  every day:)

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