Chapter 4

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  My alarm goes off and I'm just about ready to go to work. I put on a natural makeup look and wear my grey crop top with my jeans that are cut out at the knees and a black purse today.
  As I head to work I get a coffee from Dunkin Donuts. I go to work and say hi to my boss.
  "Hey Darrel, how are you today?"
  " I'm doing great, how about you Taraji ?"
  I think I see Michel but I'm not sure if it is really him. He turns around and it is him.
  "Hey Taraji."
  "On hey Michael." I say kind of nervous. This time he has a friend with him.
  " This is my friend August."
  "Hi nice to meet you."
  " Right back at you."
  " Oh you guys know each other ?" Darrel says.
  " Yup we do," I say," hey Michael do you work here?"
  "Yes, but I just started."
  "  Maybe you could show him around." Darrel says.
  " I can do that."
  I show him the testing room and all of the equipment and offices. I show him his office and tell him about how it is sound proof so no one can hear what he is doing because some projects are very noisy and disturbing.
  " Hey, can you do me a Favor?" He says and makes me very suspicious.
  " Yah what is it?
  "Can you stand in front of that wall please."
  I do so and he gets closer then begins to get closer. I start to feel something but I'm not sure was it is. My heart is racing. His blue eyes connect to mine and mine close. He cups his hand around my head and I immediately get sparks running throughout my body. Before a I know it his lips contact mine and I fall in a dream stage. He wraps my legs around his wait and puts me on the desk as his hands move lower I panic and push him off.
  "This is wrong. I better go." When I open the door I see August standing the and he immediately moves out the way then he enters.
  When I get back to my office I have a note on my desk.
          You can go home early. If you             want.*
  I don't know what that is about so I ask why did he give me that note.
  "Why Darrel give my a note saying I can go how early?"
  " Because you have completed a lot of tasks today so you can go home early."
  " Ok I will take that into consideration."
  I get my purse and run into Michael.
  " Where are you going.?"
  " Home, I got to leave early."
  " Ok we'll have a good day. Oh I almost forgot to ask you. Can I have your number?"
   I give him my number and head out. Once I get in my car and start driving I see my girls Nicky, Shakira, and Kim. I pull up and say hey.
"Hey girl!" They all say at the same time and we all laugh.
" What are you guys up to?"
Nothin we are just going to a party. Do you want to come?" Nicky says.
" Yah sure. Are you guys walking there?
" Yes we are.?
" Ok where is the party at because I have to drop off my car somewhere and unless you guys want to come ride with me?"
" What do you guys want to do?" They all shake there heads yes so they hop in and they say where we are headed.
We get there and it looks crazy. We walk in and there is people making out. And people drinking and all I could think is,
"This is my kind of party." We all go to get a drink, fine we each get 5 and start taking body shots.
All of a sudden I see Michael And August. I think Nicky like August because she started to grab on my arm and jump while she was staring. They come over.
"Hey guys." I say.
"Hey Taraji and Shakira." Michael says.
" Hey Taraji." August says.
" This is my friend Kimberly this is my friend Nicky and Shakira, and this is Michael and August."
"Call me Kim." Kim says. And they all say hi to each other.
  "So this is what you got off of work for?" Michael says.
  " No I was let off and I was headed home but I saw them walking and they invited me." I say playfully. Somebody calls them in the background and they leave.
  " Nicky, do you think August is cute?" Shakira and makes us all laugh.
  " Maybe." As she smirks.
  " Anyways how do you know them?" She says trying to change the subject of us getting on her case of her liking August.
  " Yah how did he know you was at work because yesterday at the mall you was hiding from him?"
  "You was hiding from him?" Kim says then starts laughing loudly.
  " He just got an internship at my job today and I showed him around today that's all. And yes I hid from him." I must sound like a idiot for hiding.
"Good thing tomorrow I go to work at 1:00 because I will definitely have a hang over." I say and the girls agree.  We are taking tree more shots. I run to the bathroom to puke and it isn't a pretty sight. More people do the same after me. I think the girls either are sleeping or are passed out so I take them to the can witch is a struggle because they are passed out and I drive them to their dorms. I know I  not supposed to be driving intoxicated, but I have no choice.
  When I get home it is about 11:00. I fall asleep drinking watermelon. I wake up to my phone ringing. I answer it and it's Michael.
  " Hello." I say
  " Hey it's Michael."
  " O hey."
  " You know you could have asked me to drive you home right because you were drunk?"
  "O that's cool I will definitely think about that next time."
  " Okay just making sure, but before you hang up I want to talk about what happened earlier."
  "O that thing it was a one time thing but I have to go to sleep."
  " Okay goodnight."  I say not wanting to talk to him.
  "Goodnight." He sounds like he was upset when i said that.
I start to think about the same thing again as last night. Our future together.
  I get a text from Michael.
           * Hey do you want to talk about what happened now?* I say
           * No I'm good I still think it was a one time thing.* I say
           *So you would never want to get into a relationship?* He says
           * I don't know about that. I mean I barley know you.*
  I get a phone call. And it's from Michael.
  " What would you like to know about me?"
  " O I wasn't expecting that but idk can we talk about this at work?"
  "Sure thang."
We gang up then I find myself falling asleep.

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