Chapter 5

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When I woke up it was 12:00, so now I'm thinking I only have one hour to get ready and get there. Today I put light makeup on because I have no time. So I put on a womper that is army green and wear my heels that are a soft neural colored pink and my purse it the same color. I have shoes to change into when I get there.
I walk out the house and get in my car, look at my phone and get no notifications so I start driving and see someone called me and it's an unknown name so I ignore it. They leave a message so I listen to it and it's August.
  How did he get my phone number?
  I call him back.
  " Hello?"
  "Yah it's me, umm... I dint answer because I didn't know who you are so what did you want?" I say in a nice modest way.
  " I wanted to know what you were doing later tomorrow?"
  "Well I wasn't planing anything."
  " Great I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat?" He says like he is shy.
  " That sounds great." I try not to make it obvious that I'm scared.
  He hangs up. I immediately think about how Michael and I kissed.Now in going on a date with his friend. Wait, is it a date or not? Can I call it that? I don't know but how will he feel about this?
As I enter the elevator and think about this situation more my stomach turns around when I get off Michael is waiting around the corner in the lounge. I walk past him to try to ignore him but he sees me.
" Hey Taraji."
" O hay Michael, I didn't see you there how was your day?" I lie.
" It was great how about you?"
" O it was fine we can talk about what happened during lunch break ok?"
" That's fine."
We both walk off and I'm in a relief state. When I enter my office lab i think about the kiss. As i'm doing my experiment I make the liquid spill it is liquid magnetic metal so all I do it put a magnet to it and put my napkin around it.
20 minuets later u hear a ding witch means somebody is at my door.
I look at the time and it's an hour before lunch . So I open it and it Darrel.
" Hi I came to drop off your assignments for more projects."
" O thank you."
" How was your day off yesterday?"
" It was fine I just got caught up with some work."
*my phone makes a sound.*
I look at it and it's him.
" Well you better get going on thoes assignments"
" Ok see you later." I say.
I look at the txt message and it says,
* Hi I was wondering if you can come over to help me out with something*
This made me wonder should I say yes or no.
* O sorry I can't go over there Darrel just gave me new assignments and I have to get started on them right now sorry.*
* No problem.*
* Ok*
I look at the time now it's 30 minutes till lunch break. I figure out one of my assignments. Bye now it's time for lunch break.
He txt a me again.
* Do you want to go out to eat something?*
* Sure. I'll meet you in the main office.*
  We see each other.
"Hey does subway sound good?"
" Yes it does."
We take his car and when we get there I'm looking at my phone and I can tell he is looking at me. I get out the car and so does he. I order a tuna sandwich and he order a meatball sub. We take a seat and he stared into my eyes. I have never noticed how blue they were. He says something about work then starts off with the kissing. I really don't know what he was talking about but next thing I knew he asked about it the kissing scene.
" So about the kiss?"
"O yah the kiss was just a one time thing i didn't expect it and don't want any feelings to come out of it." I say half lying.
"Really because i like thaught it was good really good actually but I think I'm in love with you now.
" Okay didn't think that because all I'm thinking about is getting. Out of college then going dating people."
" That makes sense I respect your decision."
" I don't mean to like make you think your ugly in my eyes but I'm just not in that state right now if that makes sense?"
" It makes perfect sense," he looks at the time," we better get going now but when we get back can you come Into my room for a minute to help me with my problem ?"
" Sure thing."
The ride back is silent. We get into the building then I go get my materials and head to his room. He says this doesn't have to do with science so I take off my lab coat and he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist again. Then he cups my face and connects my lips to his. This time I'm not stopping. I know what I said before about college and this but I feel sparks shooting up and down my body.
I feel thing poke up from him but j don't pay attention. He moans on my mouth then I do the same. He holds and squeezes my rear end and then a ding from the door appears. I get down and hurry up and put in my lab coat.
"Fuck!" He says.
He opens the door and August is standing there. I'm in shock because I'm going on a date with him but I just made out with Michael.
" I was just leaving." I say .
I walk out and lick my lips. His lips tast like water-melon.
After work August comes over to me and pulls me and asks me about dinner later on today.
" So I was wondering if you wanted to go to my house afterwards?"
" Ummm...can j get back with you on that?"
When I get home I relax and fall asleep for about two hours. I look at the time and go take a shower. When I get out I put lotion on then go look at my phone. And it's Michael.
" Hello?"
" I was wondering if you wanted to do something this afternoon?"
" O I was accually going out with someone today maybe another time."
" Ok."
I feel bad but it is what it is. I look at the time and I only have like two hours. I hurry up with my hair, dress, makeup and shoes and I'm ready to go. I only have 30 minutes to get there but I go on my phone and text him.
*where are we going.*
*to the movies*
* ok.*
Now I have to go and change my clothes.
I find my high waisted Black shorts and a white crop-top with my white with black stripped adidas. I grab my keys and head out the door now I only have 15 minutes to get there I get my aux-cord and forgot my phone in the house, so then I and get it and start driving.
When I get there I see August standing by the entrance and we hug. We find a movie called lights out but I already seen it twice but I decide to let him think I never seen it. We sit in our seats and I recline my seat back. As I hear the person three seats next to me complain about how many adds there are I talk to August about what is going on on Kim's snapchat stories and how her sister Kylie is launching a lip kit. When the movie starts I put on my glasses since its in 3D.
During the movie I know what to expect but I still get scared and grab on to August.
  " I hope you know that i don't like like you like that I just wanted to get to know you right?"
  "Yes I know that." I half lie.
  " Okay just making sure." He says following with a giggle.
  " So do you want to go out to eat?"
  " That sounds sooo great right now, I'm starving."
  We go to 99 and I order a hamburger with Guacamole and fries and he orders a hamburger with bacon on it. We talk about ourselves and we laugh and laugh some more.
  " I'll pay for the whole thing." He said sure of himself.
  " No I'll pay for me and you can pay for you."
  " Nope I invited you so its on me."
  " Nahh I got it."
  " You won't stop huh?"
  When the waitress comes he hurried up and told her he will pay it all. So I have no choice because he is paying with a card and not with cash because if it was with cash then I could have taken the check to see how much it was and put the money on the table. But no he is paying with s card.
  " Can't pay now can you." He says then sticks out his tongue so I flip him off and he does the same and we both laugh.
When we get fun the car I fall asleep and when I wake up. he drops me off at the movies and hugs me goodbye.
  I get in my car and call Nicky.
  " Hey girl!"
  "What you up to?"
  " Nothing doing homework."
  "What? I can't believe you I mean you are doing homework at home before school." I say sarcastic and in shock.
  "Shut the fuck up!"
  " Whatever, but I went to the movies and out to eat with this guy that works with me and we seen lights out."
  "Was he cute?"
  "Yas! he was sexy, but I was saving him for you. He is funny, cute, a gentlemen and he is perfect for you."
  " I'll try it but I ain't making no promises."
  " Thank you."
  "Okay I just pulled up to my house I'll talk to you in class I'm going this time."
  "Okay bye."
  I get out the car and open the door. My puppy is running at my feet so I let I'm outside and take him out for a walk.
  After 15 minutes we get back in I give him his treats and I go change into my pajamas. I fix some watermelon sherbet and watch the new episode of Empire.
I decide to text August about Nicky.
  * Hey so I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with one of my best friends?*
  *Umm..that actually sounds great I need to get out of my comfort zone. What is her name?"
  * That's great, her name is Nicky Minaj and I told her about you and she agreed to get in board.*
  *Okay so umm are we getting together or something?*
  *Umm I'll ask her I'll tell her first.*
I go to text Nicky.
  *So August agreed to make a Date.*
As soon as I texted that I noticed I sent it to Michael. So now I am panicking and delete it knowing it won't delete
On his phone. So I'll just wait till he replies. I text to Nicky and she agrees to this.
  * give him my phone number.*
  I text him her number so they can text each other.
  * Her number is **********.*
  I go back to text Nicky.
  *What did he say?*
  *He sent me a picture of him and I sent him a picture of me and you are right. He is sexy. His tattoos are even hotter.*
  * I told you.*
  *Okay okay you told me. We are going to hang out Thursday.*
  * that cool but I have to go to sleep for work tomorrow.*
  * okay I'll text you later*
   I get ready for bed and now I'm dozing off but something interrupts me. It's Michael and he keeps texting me then calls me. I put my phone on silent then doze off.
Sorry I haven't been posting I had went to Florida and just tarted school and I was distracted but I hope I will be back on track for now on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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