Chapter 3

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I wake up  the next morning and look at the time and it is 10 minutes till my alarm goes off. I'm trying to go to sleep but I can't. Do my alarm goes off. Today is Sunday and I have work tomorrow. As I look for my phone I don't find it and I am scrambling around and I find it under my pillow on the other side of the bed. I read a txt from my friend Shakira.

   * I got a new boyfriend. And I want you to guess who it is.*
  So I txt back to her.
  * Is it your one of your crushes?*
  * Yes, but witch one is it?*
  *  Is it Justin?*
  * YASSSSSSSSS!* She says screaming in my ear almost causing me to go deaf.
  * OMGGGG!* So I do it back to her and we both laugh.
  * Do you want to meet up at the mall or something?* she offers.
  * Yes,we can talk about it then*
  *Ok will do*
  Today I feel as if I need to put makeup on. So I get my makeup on after about being in the bathroom for over 20 minutes. I put on my adidas pants and put on my Jordans then a Nike shirt with my black hat.
  As I'm headed to the mall to meet Shakira I am caught by a red light so I stop. I drop my wallet on the passenger side so I pick it up. When I pick it I up, I look up to see the same man that cut me off. I get butterflies in my stomach and he looks at me and finds me staring.
  "Hey aren't you that girl that made me pull over and I got out the car but you didn't say anything so I got back in my car and was waiting but u just drove off?"
  "Oh yah, That's me." I say a little embarrassed.
  "What was that abo......" He says but I cut him off.
  " Oops I have to go." The red light turned green.
  " K bye then." He says
  As I drive off, the mall is right there so so I pull in. I call Shakira up. She answers on the second ring as usual.
  "Hello, where are you?"
  " I'm by by the entrance."
  " Ok I'll be right there."
  I walk out the car and immediately see her so I wave. We walk inside and I ask her about Justin.
  " So did Justin ask you out or?"
  "Yah he told me to meet him at a basketball game so I did last Friday and so he asked me if I wanted to go out with him so I was quick to say yes. Then we exchanges phone numbers. Then later on he calls me and said did I want to go to the movies with him on Saturday so we did and I had a great time. After the movie he kissed me then drove me home then kissed me again. I swear I would like to wake up to his fine sexy ass anytime."
  "Wow that sounds nice."I say so happy for her.
  "O my gosh hide!" I see that same guy that was at the red light with me.
  "What's wrong?" She says
You see that man over there?"
  "Yah what about him?"
  "Well you see I pulled him over because he cut me off when I was driving and when he stepped out of the car  I was really mad at him so I got back into the car and drove off and I saw him today at a stop at a red light then he saw me and was like hey aren't you that girl that pulled me over? And I was like yah. The we drove off because the light turned green." Okay I left out the part when I couldn't talk once he got out of the car but who would , or am I alone in this one?
  "Wow he's pretty sexy too." She says like she doesn't have a boyfriend.
  " That's the thing once he stepped out of the car I couldn't talk so when I saw him the yesterday when I pulled him over because he is so fine." As I say that it I know that I should've had went with my gut and left that detail out because she has a smirk on her face, now I feel embarrassed.
  "As we look through some stores we see him again and Shakira asks,
  "Should we hide again?"
  " nahh not this time."
  He comes up to us.
  " Hey, it's funny how I keep seeing you around. I saw u earlier and it looked like you were hiding from somebody." And he follows it up with a laugh.
  " Oh you seen that."
  " Yup, well if we keep seeing each other like this I mine as well introduce myself. My name is Michael and yours is?"
  " Oh my name is Taraji and my friend's name is Shakira."
  "Well nice to meet you both."
  "Well same to you." We all walk away from each other. Then me and Shakira go to a few stores then we went. out to eat. And I head home after dinner.
  After a  while I get comfortable and head to sleep early because I have work tomorrow.
  I wake up in the middle of the night to someone's fire alarm going off, but all I can think about is Michael's eyes and how he smiles and what our children would be like and our weeding then our relationship and..... Wait, I barely know this guy and I am thinking about this right now. I go to the kitchen and get a glass of warm milk to try to make me go to sleep. I don't know why but I keep thinking about the same stuff with him and more . I get comfortable in my bed again. Try my best to go to sleep and I am dozing off by now but I'm out and asleep.

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