Chapter 4

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          When I wake up, I realize that part of the pillow underneath my mouth is soaked. Of course, being the sophisticated lady I am, I drooled all over my pillow.

          It's not that surprising though. Slumber had overtaken my body like a flood after reading Mr. Barnes file until three. Exasperation fills  me every time I read it

          Every single assassination, kidnapping, and theft he had ever performed was recorded in the file. Details could be vague at times, but to be honest, I didn't think Mr. Barnes would remember any of this. Because of his memory loss and all.

         But if there's one thing I've found out through all my workings with soldiers young and old, is that they never forget the people they killed. And Bucky is no exception. Most soldier aren't as intimate though. War and shooting off with a gun at a few hundred men isn't like looking someone in the face and killing them.

         Despite it all, a plan has formed in the old coconut. But you always have to gauge a person's mental state before the course of procedures can be determined. Most likely, after the trigger words are erased, it will start with me just getting to know him. That's simple enough. Hopefully.

         And though they are in dire need of help, not all people are willing to have help and their participation is absolutely necessary. I can't just magically make the pain go away.

         I wipe any saliva off my mouth and head to the small bathroom in my room, carrying my clothes for with me. Having taken a shower yesterday, I get dressed than stare at myself in the mirror. Hughm.

         My brown hair is terribly messy, and my bangs got swept to the side in an awkward way last night. Now the wisps lay funky on my forehead. Looking at my face makes me wish desperately that I had some makeup; I hadn't brought any with me to the refugee camp. I'm about to see an incredibly handsome and muscular super solder, two actually, and I look a little like trash.

        I'm not that kind of girl who likes a ton of makeup, but when you have incredibly bad under eye circles, sunburned skin, and squinty eyes, it would make anyone half mad for some. Maybe Wanda will have makeup. Since Natasha had left, (some secret mission in Russia they said) me and Wanda are the only two girls on the compound. Not that I really mind being surrounded by a bunch of hot men, but another female's comradery is appreciated.

         After I get dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a black button up shirt with golden doves on it, I go down the hall to Wanda's room. The door cracks open slightly when I knock, and she peeks out at me. Half her hair messy and the other smooth and straight, she looks a little wild when she says, "Oh, Ella. Can I help you?"

         "I was just wondering if you had any makeup I could borrow. But if you're busy..." I say, stepping away from the door a little, but she stops. "No, no, please, I was just flattening my hair. Come in," Wanda gestures to the inside of her room.

         It would be bright in here like the rest of the compound, but Wanda has the heavy curtains pulled shut. The whole room is dark albeit for the small amount of sunlight that made it's way through the curtains veneer. But room is absolutely flawless; the bed is made and not a thing is out of place. I would want to show that off.

         Wanda goes back into her bathroom, and I hear her rustling around. A picture on her nightstand catches my eye. The frame is battered and the glass is covered in scratches. I pick it up and see a family on it, one is Wanda. I can tell from her pretty, long hair. They seem happy, despite looking slightly underfed and wearing clothes stitched one time too many.

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