Chapter 6

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        "I could have done it," Wanda whispers. "But I didn't; I don't even think anybody thought to ask me. Over and over I thought about it, but then I decided 'no'. I can not do it for him. Everybody has to overcome their own demons, or they aren't truly gone. In one moment I could rid Bucky's mind of those words, I could make him forget what he knew of Hydra. So many things I could've done- but I didn't."

        Clint sighs, and wraps an arm around her shoulders. There is a slight breeze this evening, as both Wanda and Clint watch the sunset from a swinging bench on the veranda.

       Scott is playing video games, Sam is trying out weapons in the gym, Ella is napping, T'Challa left, and Steve and Bucky are in their respective rooms. But Wanda and Clint sit together.

        Hawkeye lightly presses his foot on the ground, causing the swing to keep up its rocking momentum. "You're right, I guess," Clint says, breaking the silence. "He has to work this out on his own. I don't even know why they brought a therapist in. I never trusted the shrinks when I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. 'Tell me about this, tell me about that.'" Clint uses a mocking voice. "'Blah, blah, blah.'"

        "I think she's nice," Wanda comments.

        "That's what they want you to think."

         "And you know," Clint stands up. "Stop blaming yourself, because if it weren't for Stark, none of this would've happened. Heck, you wouldn't be here, you would be at home with your family! I would be home with my family."

        "That is not what we were talking about," Wanda says quietly, looking at her hands.

         "But isn't it?" In a show of anger, Clint begins to pace the veranda. He clenches his fists. "Everything was going fine in my life. I was going to go ski-boarding with my kids, before I got dragged into this mess! I was retired! But no," He cracks out a dry chuckle. "Stark had to create Ultron, which caused the government to get mad, which caused the Accords and on and on and on." Clint makes a spinning motion with his hands.

        "No, Clint, you only came because of me. To try and help me. This is my fault." Wanda presses her palms to her face.

         Clint's countenance softens for the young Sokovian; his fatherly instincts kick in. "No, Wanda, that's not what I meant." He takes his seat next to her again on the red, cushioned swing.

        "But it is!" Wanda takes her hands off her face and waves her hands madly. "I killed all those people Clint! That's what caused the Accords. It gave Zemo the perfect opportunity to stage that bombing; the reason all of us are here, and not together as a team."

        "But even more innocent people would be dead if it weren't for you," Clint insists.

        "You can't say that. I could have done something, Clint. I could have helped Bucky, too." Regret spills from Wanda's voice.

        "Just blame Stark. It's easier."


        When I wake up, it's 6:00 o'clock in the morning. I swallow, trying to get the sour taste in my mouth. My stomach growls, and I need food. So I head out of the room, careful to close the door quietly behind me. The sun is just beginning to rise, but the halls still have that early morning darkness. It's my favorite time of the day, as long as I'm not incredibly tired. A soft, white light can be seen shining out of the entryway in the kitchen.

        "Well, hey." I jump when I hear the voice behind me. Sam. It is hard to see his dark form in the shadow's of the kitchen. "Your up early," Sam says with a smile.

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