Chapter 15

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      "Hey, it's ok," I say to Bucky. I rub his shoulder gently.

        He nods his head, clenching his jaw. Although I can tell he's uneasy, it's kinda hot.

        I look over at Wanda in the row next to us. Thankfully, T'Challa got us first class tickets, and all three of us don't have to sit too far apart. Bucky and I got the window seat. Wanda is reading a magazine, often shifting her eyes around the plane, the hood of her baseball cap making her look dubious. I told her there was no need for a hat (apparently the spell is making her a blond), but she wanted it anyway.

        We are currently over England on our way to Spain. The countryside green expands and folds beneath us. It becomes color blocking.

        I breath deeply. Apparently I am the calm one on this journey. Wanda is jumpy, Bucky is nervous. Plenty could go wrong. But I trust them. I will coerce them into the same credence.

        I'm trying to get them excited for the fun things in Europe. First off is Barcelona, Spain. We are going to be staying in a small hotel right on the sea. I've always wanted to explore Europe, and now's my chance. And I get to have two of my best friends with me.

        I flip through the pamphlet on Barcelona a third time. The words flow like a river, fluctuating like Bucky's face. Wanda remains rigid.

        Both of them are caught within themselves. Wanda is fully capable. Bucky has no need to be afraid. Nobody can hurt them; nobody knows who they are. They wear layers upon layers of masks, and put all the pressure on themselves to protect and enclose. No human on earth is capable of that; some things are up providence.

        I close my eyes, because I know it makes no difference.


        "Ok, Ok, that's highly inaccurate. You could never legitimately kill someone with a pen. Plastic isn't that strong."

        "Um, excuse me, Matt Damon is capable of anything. If he can save China, he can stab someone with a pen."

        Wanda stays quite as Bucky and I fight over the logistics of The Bourne Identity movie we had watched on the plane. I honestly don't know why I picked it, I knew this was coming.

        "Looks don't always work, ok, I know." Bucky chuckles, and smiles at me. I grab his hand, shifting my bag on my shoulder.

        "Here, let me carry that," Bucky says.

        Such a gentleman. I think I'll keep him.

        We go through baggage claim, and then out into the fresh, sea sprinkled air. The wind whips my hair. I can see the buildings of the city are softly lit, as if the light natural emits through the walls. Wanda is once again scanning our surrounding restlessly.

        The city is calm, yet you can feel the shivers of energy. I see tan couples walk along the sidewalk next to the sea, as we ride by sluggishly in our cab. I leave the window open, despite the driver's annoyance. This is an opportunity I will not miss.

        When we reach the hotel, Bucky carries our bags to the door, but a bellboy quickly stops him.

        "Aquí, señor, déjame llevar tus maletas."

        "Gracias," Bucky says back.

        As we walk in, I whisper quietly, "You know what he said?"

        "Yeah, didn't you?"

        "I almost failed high school Spanish, so no."

        "You have a Ph.D!" Bucky spouts indignantly.

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