Chapter 1

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"Get back here you two!! "

A guy yelled while running down a dark alley with two more men behind. They kick the dumpster that the two kids push down and followed the kids where they were running.

"Haha their heading to a dead end! Boss. " One of the guys yelled while watching the kids make a turn.

The kids stop and gasp in horror when there was a dead end in front of them. They gasp when they heard the men stop behind them and the black hair kid pulled the brown hair kid back.

"Haha trying protect your brother! Cute but you can't fight us. " The boss said while pulling a knife out.

The black hair kid growled and look around for a weapon but gasp when he was pull away from his brother. The boss had his knife held close to the kid's neck making his eyes go wide.

"Your gonna died for what you did you brat. " The boss said pushing the knife close.

"Oh I don't think so handsome. "

The boss gasp when he was kick in the face making him release the kid and fall to his men. The men caught their boss and growled at the person who save them.

"Catwoman. " They growled while taking their knife out.

Catwoman aka Selina Kyle chuckle and look at her claws while standing in front of the two kittens.

"Please leave now or I'll have to hurt you. " Selina said while glaring at them.

"I don't think so woman! " The boss yelled and charge to Selina who rolled her eyes.

"Please. " Selina said and backflip while kicking the knife away.

The boss gasp and Selina kick the guy with her other foot making him fall back. Selina smirk and watch the other man throw a punch at her. Selina block the punch and stock him back making him groan in pain then last man tried kicking Selina. Selina back up and took her wipe out and wipe her wipe at the guy's leg and pulled him to her just to kick him on the stomach. Then the men ran away scared leaving their boss who was screaming for them to come back. Selina raise a brow and put her wipe away and smirk at the boss.

"Meow. " Selina said watching the boss get up fast and run away scare.

Selina laugh and shook her head but stop when she heard coughing. Selina turn around and watch the brown hair kid coughing badly and hugging the black hair boy. Selina sadly look at the boy who was trying out comfort the other.

"Tim *cough* I-I'm cold. " The brown hair boy said shaking badly while coughing.

"Hey it's okay Bart. Well get you somewhere warm. " Tim said to Bart who nod and held on Tim tightly.

Selina took a step forward only to make Tim glare at her.

"Don't! Get close to us! " Tim yelled while holding Bart close.

Selina look at the kittens sadly and kneel down with her hands up.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm just here to help. Does he have a cold. " Selina said while pointing at Bart.

Tim nod his head slowly and and look at Bart who was now sweating.

"More like a fever. " Tim said while wiping away the sweat.

Sleina nod and stood up and look around.

"Come on. I'll take you somewhere safe. If you let me help you. " Selina smiled while looking at Tim.

Tim look at Selina and look at Bart who was getting weaker to stand.

"O-okay. " Tim said and watch Selina smile.

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