Chapter 23

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White fox groan when she got up but gasp when she saw Baya's doppleganger in the corner shaking.

"Baya...." White fox whisper sadly.

Catlad Tim flip over E2 Conner and face kick White devil who screech in pain.

"You bitch!!! " White devil hiss and grab Tim's leg and threw him to the wall making Tim yell in pain.

"No!! " E2 Conner shouted and glare at White devil who was smirking.

E2 Conner ran to White devil making her gasp and got tackle by Conner and was threw through the wall into an open field.

La Luna, Impulse Bart, Robin Tim, E2 Jaime, and Jaime look up to see White devil getting up slowing.

"Hey! " White fox shouted.

White devil look up and saw White fox holding a chain.

"W-wha? " White devil said but gasp when she saw her Baya coming from the darkness in her huge form.

"Someone wants to say hi. " White fox said and drop the chain and Baya ran to White devil who gasp and stood up fast but was tackle by Baya. White fox ran to Catlad Tim who groan and held his arm.

"I'm okay. Help your goddess. " Tim said and watch White fox run to her Luna.

"My dear..." La Luna said weakly.

"What's happening to her. " Bart said confused because La Luna a god how can she get weak.

"White devil must had a crystal that was weakling la Luna. I must give her some of my powers. " White fox said but look at the hand that grab her.

"'ll kill you. " La Luna said looking at White fox who smiled.

"Anything for you my lady. " White fox said and focus her engery to her goddess.

White devil gasp when she saw bright blue light glowing and scream no. White fox made all her powers go to La Luna and was finally giving her last magic but fainted.

"White fox!! " Bart gasp and ran to her.

"Hold on to her. It is time to end this. " La Luna said walking up to White devil.

Baya howler in pain and fell helplessly on the floor dead.

"B-Baya no..." White fox cried and close her eyes while standing up weakly.

White devil growled and ran to the Goddess but gasp when she was held back.

"What!!?? " White devil growled and look back.

Chains. Chains were around her. White fox sighed while looking at her doppleganger trap by the chains of the Luna. La Luna was there next her looking at the White devil.

"You have fail me child. For that you will be killed. " La Luna said in a deep powerful voice.

E2 Jaime was standing with the help of E2 Conner and Impulse Bart was next to Robin Tim.

"We did it. " E2 Conner said smiling at E2 Jaime.

Conner was holding his boyfriend who was smiling too while holding his injured arm.

"My lady. " White fox bowed weakly with respect.

"Come closer so no damage will be harm to you my child. " La Luna said and put her cloth over White fox who weakly held on La Luna's leg.

"By the power of me and all of star above my land.. " La Luna said but stop when the devil scream no.

"Nonononoooo!!!! You can't kill me. You won't have anyone able to protect you pathetic metagenes from evil itself!! " White devil laugh with her hair covering her face.

La Luna look at the devil and shook her head.

"In do time I will choose a worthy one. Until now your will die. By the heaven above destroy the mistake that I had made and cure what she has cause! " La Luna said and open her eyes which were glowing bright white and blue mist wrap around the White devil draining her soul and life.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! " White devil howler in pain.

White fox gasp and fell to the floor and held her heart. She doesn't have any magic to protect her from the pain so she had to feel the pain that the devil feel. Once it was over La Luna quickly duck down and put White fox on her hand and stood up.

"All that had happen will be forgotten by everyone including you heroes. " La Luna said walking to the heroes of this earth.

"So will forget that this all happen. " Conner said while looking at his boyfriend who didn't know that this was Conner.

"Yes. I must take my protector back to her earth including her friends. Thank you again for your help heroes. " La Luna said and made a white portal for the E2 heroes.

Impulse Bart smiled and wave at the heroes and walk to the portal with E2 Jaime. Robin Tim tap Catlad Tim and walk inside the portal with E2 Conner and vanish inside. La Luna collected the dust of the devil and put it inside a jaw and stood up.

"Be well my children. " She said and snap her fingers and everything went white for everyone in this earth.

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