Chapter 11

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Tim threw himself on his bed smiling like a dork. On his night stand were photos of him and Conner in a photo booth doing funny faces. Tim chuckle and grab his pillow while hugging it to death. Selina chuckle at her kitten and went inside the room and sat down next to Tim.

"Well. Did my kitten have fun? " Selina said with a smile.

Tim chuckle and hug his mother.

"It was the best mom. Conner is such a a ughhh I can't even described him! " Tim said while smiling and covering his face in Selina's arm.

Selina laugh while petting Tim's hair. Bart and Harley were looking through the door chuckling making Selina raise a brow at them.

"Someone in loveeee. " Bart and Harley cooed while Ivy was laughing behind them.

They all went inside Tim's room and started hearing about Tim lover boy. Harley and Bart mad fun but smile sweetly when Ivy gave them the look. Selina smiled and hug her son.

"Oh baby. You fallen in love with a normal person instead of superhero. " Selina said getting nods from Ivy and Harley.

Bart rolled his eyes and look at Tim.

"So Superboy out of the list now. " Bart said looking at his brother.

"Pretty much. Conner did ask me out on a date on the ferries wheel and I soooo totally said yes. So I can't cheat on him with Superboy. I am not that evil Bart. " Tim chuckle while holding the cat teddy bear that Conner won for him.

Selina chuckle while fixing Tim's hair.

"Well son. I am happy for you. " Selina said while looking at Tim.

Tim smiled and lean back to Selina chest who smiled and hug Tim.

"Your not ready to get a boyfriend yet my little tulip. " Ivy said hugging Bart who groan.

"Mom I am not a baby anymore. " Bart said but cuddle closer to Ivy's hug.

"Yes you are, baby. " Harley said joining the hug to.

The sun was setting and the family had ate already and went to the master bed room to watch a movie on Netflix.  They were watching "Jungle Book " on top of the bed. The bed was huge and they all fit.

Things were perfect for our villain family.

~Six Day Later~

Selina walk in Tim's room just to see him on his phone.

"So you can't make it. " Tim said while playing with his shirt.

"Tim, I am truly sorry. This business came out of no where. To be homest I rather ditch it and meet with you to see those beautiful blue eyes. " Conner sigh making Tim chuckle.

"It's okay dont worry. I understand. Have fun with your family business while I go show off my brand new skinny jean with a black muscle shirt of a Superboy symbol. " Tim smirk while looking at the phone.

Tim heard Conner stutter and also heard a crash making Tim laugh. For some reason Superboy was his boyfriend favorite hero making Tim groan when he found out. Tim chuckle and shook his head.

"Y-you....okay.. You have no idea what your doing to me Tim. " Conner growled making Tim shiver.

"Bye Conner. Have fun. " Tim hang up and look at his mother who had her arms cross with a smirk on her lip.

"If you wanted to torture the boy why don't you send Harley and Bart. " Selina laugh when Tim threw his pillow at her.

"Whatever mom. Anyways I'm glad he told me he couldn't make it because I really want to help you, Auntie Ivy and Harley with the mission. " Tim smiled at his mother.

Selina smiled and rub her son hair.

"Indeed. Go get ready. Bart almost done. " Selina said and went to her room.

~HQ Mount Justice~

Connor sigh while taking a deep breath. He was really looking forward to the date with Tim and see him wearing his symbol not knowing he was superboy. Connor smiled and shook his head. His boyfriend was amazing.

"Oh Tim. What are you doing to me. " Connor smirk and walk to HQ were the team was at.

Conner enter the room and went to his friend Jaime side. Jaime look at Conner and put his arm around his shoulder.

"So how it go. " Jaime said to Conner.

"Okay. He understood. " Conner said not telling Jaime the rest.

Jaime nod and Cassie tap Conner's back.

"Oh toughen up big guy. Tim a sweet person of course he'll understand. Anyways how are things going with Poison Sumac, Jaime. " Cassie smirk looking at Jaime who sigh.

"I haven't seen him anywhere. He just vanish including Catlad. I don't think I might get a chance with Poison Sumac. " Jaime sigh while pulling his hair back.

Cassie rolled her eyes and smack Jaime's head.

"HEY!! Keep trying. My kontim shipping became cannon. If my other shipping doesn't become cannon I will go after Poison Sumac and make him love YOU! " Cassie said jabbing her finger at Conner then to Jaime.

Conner and Jaime blink and raise their brow at Cassie.

"Wait. You been shipping me and Conner with people!? " Jaime said in shock.

"Duhh. Me, Zatanna, Artemis, and Bumble Bee are in shipping war and I am winning. So don't make me lose and get with Poison Sumac! "
Cassie cheer.

"CASSIE NO CHEATING!!! " Zatanna and Bumble Bee yelled while Artemis glares at her.

Conner and Jaime smack their faces and look up when Batman clear his throat.

"Okay team. We have a mission for you to do at a island called "Corrupted Island. " Bruce said watching Dick open the file.

"On this Island are animals that have been experimented on and turn into hybrid creatures. Some became corrupted and no longer in the right mind like the other hybrid creatures do. Blockbuster was spotted flying to that island on yesterday at 5:30am in the morning. I believe he created those experiments before he became Blockbuster. " Bruce said looking at Mark Desmond pictures of his human form before his transformation.

Conner sigh. He doesn't want to see blockbuster ever again but fate had to be cruel. Jaime tap his back making Conner smile.

"Alright the mission is to get information from what Blockbuster is planning to do and if you get caught. You know what to do. Nightwing. " Bruce said to Dick who nod.

"Alright here's the team. " Dick said looking ay everyone.

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