Chapter 24

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A/N: Okay. It is back to the part where Jaime confess his love for Poison Sumac in Chapter 15 but the Moon goddess erase everything that had happen so no one remember anything.

Jaime kiss Bart who put his hands on Jamie's shoulder and lean closer to Jaime while he wrap his hands around Bart's waist. Jaime deepen the kiss and Bart moan holding on Jaime while he was in control. When Jaime pulled back he smiled and look at Bart who was daze.

"I love you Poison Sumac. " Jaime said making Bart blush.

Bart smiled softly and put his head on Jaime chest.

" you too..." Bart whisper softly and cuddle close to Jaime who smiled and hug him close. "But sorry for doing this."

Jaime look confused but gasp when Venus grab Jaime from behind and wrap him around some tough leaves. Bart sigh and grab the chemicals that his mother needed and some other chemicals and smiled sweetly at Blue Beetle.

"Sorry Blue. I have things to do, but I really do love you. Until next time Blue." Bart said softly and blew a kiss to him while Venus let him down softly and drag herself to Bart who smile.

"Your not getting away that easy mi amor." Jaime said letting his wings form.

"I was counting on it." Bart smirk and jump out the window.

~At the Fair~

Conner smiled when he won a panther stuff bear for Tim who was hugging it close.

"Ohhh I love it thanks Conner." Tim smiled while cuddling close to Conner.

Conner smiled and put his arm around Tim who chuckle and cuddle close. They walk and went to ride the ferries wheel and they were just cuddling. Tim and Conner were having a great time not wanting this special moment to stop until a loud clang was heard outside.

"What's was that?" Tim ask but gasp when a vine wrap around their gate and was rip off.

"Hello!" Bart smirk sweetly while Conner pulled Tim back.

Tim was stabbing knives at Bart with his eyes while Bart chuckle.

"What do you want!" Conner shouted while Bart laugh.

"Nothing just ruining a fabulous night while Blue Beetle is chasing me. Oh speak of the devil." Bart chuckle and spot Jaime who stop and sigh.

"Shit...Conner isn't going to be happy." Jaime whisper and flew to Bart but Bart pulled back and pulled Tim with him.

Conner tried grabbing him but miss. Tim was holding his stuff animal while Bart cheered.

"I win!!! Bye blue it was fun." Bart wave and took off leaving Tim safely in the ball pine.

"Also have fun kid!" Bart laugh so hard that Venus caught him and cover him while going underground.

"Ohhh I will have fun. Having fun on kicking your ass brother." Tim said deadly while watching Conner run to him.

"Tim you okay." Conner ask while Tim got help by him.

"Yeah. At least I save the stuff...wait where is it!!???" Tim gasp while looking around. "No!!"

Tim whine when Conner hug him. Jaime left to Mount Justice so Conner can handing Tim. Things went okay but Tim had to leave so he said goodbye to Conner who smiled and kiss Tim.

"I'm sorry this happen on our date." Conner said while Tim smiled.

"It's okay. I believe that villain will get beat up by someone." Tim smiled.

'That someone will be me. Ohhh I hope your ready Bart.' Tim thought deadly.

Tim kiss Conner goodbye and walk down a block to his home. Once he got there he slam the door shut making Selina jump.

"Tim. Darling what was that for?" Selina shouted while crossing her arms.

"Where. Is. Bart." Tim said looking at his mother.

Selina froze knowing that her son was angry. Selina pointed up stairs making Tim walk up there.
"Oh I hope my tulip can handle the wrath of Tim." Ivy said while shaking her head.

"You said it red." Harley join in holding Ivy close.

Bart laugh while looking at the stuff animal that he stole from Tim and chuckle.

"I am good." Bart smiled but gasp when he watch his door slam open.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Tim and Bart scream at the same time.

On that very spot Bart knew. He fuck up. Ivy pretended to cry while Harley was dress in black.

"I will start planning our son funereal." Harley said.

"Rest in peace Bart." Selina said while bowing her head.

Tim walk out Bart's room calm while holding the stuff animal that Conner won him close. He went to his room making Selina, Harley, and Ivy run to Bart's room seeing him on the floor groaning in pain.

"Oh my baby." Harley ran to him putting him on her lap.

Ivy and Selina chuckle when Harley was cursing the world for taking her son away from her to early.

"CURSE YOU WORLD!!!" Harley shouted with her fist up.
A/N: sorry it's short but Chapter 25 will be the last one for this story. Also if you want to read another bluepulse story check this author out Hossman03 

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