Goodbye :(

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  • Dedicated to My dead bff. Lily, 1999-2012 love you best ie.

Last time

I waved at her one last time forever

Allison pov * 2 weeks later*

I watched her walk out the door and leave forever 2weeks ago. I still can't handle it. I went to my room and burst out crying. Before I go into that let me tell you what has been going on. Riker and Rocky got married. Don't ask how in 2 weeks they each got married. We would be on that subject for 3 hours. So know Maia Mitchell and Zendaya (A/n: know her better than Vanessa and Laura would be wrong. sorry :( back to story.) are my sisters in law. Now to the present, I sat on my bed and saw the last picture we took, the night at the beach, she had her arm around me. That was the day she left to, kinda she left at 4:30 am that next morning.

*Flashback 1 years ago*

"Hey girl." I said "Hey". She said. We sat at the beach and looked at the waves. I had just broke up with my bf and she was trying to get my mind off it. We walked into the ocean and talked about stuff girls talk about like shopping makeup breakup drama etc . Then a wave came and knocked us over. Oliva took a picture of us. That was probably the most important day in our friendship. It was the day we became best friends. I was 12 years old but I remember it like it was yesterday. 1 year later we were dating then she left.

*End of flashback*

Everyone else was out so I had the room to myself. Let me tell you the people in my life now that Julianna is gone. My new friends are Lucy,Brianna,Malaya,Grace, and Jasmine. My new best friend that replaced Julianna is Catlin. Faith and me made up so she actually took Julianna's spot but the line up from closet to new bff to least close to new bff is, not including Faith and Catlin, Malayla Jasmine Brianna Grace Lucy. I heard the door open and quickly took out my phone and acted like I was laughing real hard. They think I'm over it but I'm not even over my bff leaving much less my first girlfriend. I was broken out if my thoughts by footsteps. "Hey. You okay"? Riker asked. "Yes. She was my best friend for what... 10 years. Faith has been my best friend since middle school and I was closer to her. It would have been harder to lose her". Give me a break, I'm grieving and already not smart. I wanted to say 'no I'm not okay. I just lost the love of my life.' But even if I told them she was the love of my life I would still say 'I'm fine'. "Okay....". He said unsure. He went downstairs, I followed. I hadn't been out of my room for 4 days. Let me rephrase that, I hadn't been out of Rydel's room for 4 days. I shared a room with Julianna so I slept in Rydel's room. I was still wearing my pajamas, which was t shirt and sweat pants instead of my usual, so I changed to something I found not caring what it was. I thought it was mine but I was wrong. "Hey look, she is over it she is wearing the best friend shirt she gave Juliannna". I looked down and noticed what I put on and ran up to Rydel's room as fast as I could. "Rocky. Can't you be sensitive to her. First she is a girl second she just lost the one person she was really close to when her parents gave her up that she stuck with". Rydel said. When I was 3 my parents gave me up and Julianna was the one who helped me through it. The Lynches adopted me and she was still my best friend, she helped my through hard times and I did the same with her. Though it was mostly her helping me cause everything happened to me and apparently still does. I was taken out of my thoughts in la la land by Rydel coming up the stairs. "You okay." She asked. "I would be better if everyone stopped asking me that." That is true, anything would help being that this is the worst pain I ever felt emotional since my parents gave me up. That went away permantly when they came back into my life a couple weeks ago. We went back to the family room once she gave me a lecture/very emotional speech on talking about emotions. Let me just point out I didn't even listen which is why I can't remember what she said. We went into the family room and saw Mom, Stormie, talking on the phone. "Yes that is fine. We will tell her. Thank you." She said and hung up. Everyone looked at her worried. "Allison may I talk to you in the kitchen." I nodded and followed her. "Julianna's plane crashed. It is proven that she did not survive. I'm sorry sweetie."

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