04| Flowers By The Window

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I woke up bit late and also with a heavily paining leg, seeing it then I realized how swollen it was, Maya and Andy who saw it were deeply concerned, but I told them nothing to worry about but they still insisted on calling Suri who is a fellow in a hospital. Suri seeing it was shocked, so she gave me some medicine and put a cast on the leg.

"Take some rest and it will be fine after a week, looking at it closely it is a small bruise" said Suri with a smile; I wanted to rest as well and sleep the pain away.

But I felt like I was missing on the fun for four days as I was still in the bed, but it seemed like it was raining cats and dogs outside so it seemed like everyone would be staying indoors for the time being. For the most of the time I stayed in my bed and when I was bored I read my book (Pride and Prejudice) beside the window.

I don't know when but I fell asleep near the window and when I woke up I saw a bouquet of wild flowers near my window, seeing them I was pretty surprised but it was a pleasant surprise, as I saw those little flowers I felt happy inside, I wanted to thank the person who brought the flowers, but as I looked outside there was no trace of anyone. Just then Joan came inside the room, seeing me holding a wet bouquet of flowers she looked at me doubtfully.

"You didn't bring it?" I asked her in wonder, to which she shook her head, but it seemed like she knew though who it was. But when I asked her she just changed the subject, I was doubtful but I couldn't ask her anymore questions, because I knew Joan if she isn't willing to say it she will never, ever says it.

"Oh my! You look like a virgin Mary in that white on white satin slip dress and sweater" she remarked at me, I knew certainly than she was hiding something, because she isn't the type of woman to compliment other women.

"We are going to the pub in the town, Miss Beatrix the Inn owner said the chocolate pancakes and home-brewed beer is great there, want to join us?" she asked excitedly.

I wanted to join them but I was doubtful if I was able to walk that long distance or not, but it seems like that Joan borrowed the Inn owner's car just for me, so you won't be able to miss all the fun," she told me happily. I was happy too, because I was going mad just sleeping and reading.

The helper boy named Sam was the one who drove the car, while Joan and Jose sat in the back of the car, I was pretty reserved with a beside me and why I had to sit there, but looking back at Joan I understood why... She was trying to set me up with that guy, because she kept signaling me to look how gorgeous he is, I was shy enough as it is and she was making me more bashful with her actions, as I looked outside I saw the grudging walkers who were my cousins and Jose's friends and cousin. Joan teased them to walk fast and shouted, "If you keep walking steadily for 30 minutes straight you'll reach the town fast!" Jose scolded her to stop, but she knew he really wanted to tease them more. As I was looking at my cousins I suddenly saw Luke's face too, he was annoyed and he kept looking at me angrily. I was perplexed at his sudden change of personality, I wondered what happened that made him angry. Arriving at the pub we saw that it was a pleasant place, because it was more like a restaurant that serves food and alcohol too.

"Sam's parents own the place Lea, he said it would be great to have a beer or two," said Jose not knowing his fiancé's matchmaking.

I looked at Joan angrily, but she trying not to face me walked past me and far from so I won't catch her, but I wasn't the one to give up, I wanted to grab her and teach her a lesson or two. But my poor leg was still aching as hell, I took two steps fiercely and I stumbled with pain and Sam came to my rescue so I won't fall on the ground.

"help her Sam! Her-feet-is-still-aching-I-would-like-to-help-but-I'm-so-busy-with-my-fiancé" she mumbled those words quickly and ran away with her fiancé.

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