05| Confused State

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When I woke up early in the morning the sun was peeking through our windows, I got to be greeted by the suspicious group; I stayed calm thinking that the smallest reaction would be a big clue for them. But looking around I couldn't find Luke anywhere, my heart begin to beat wildly again at the mere thought of the kiss.

After a while Luke came inside all calm and casual, even I was stunned by his behavior... more like confused. Here I was trying my best to be calm, but he is calm AND CASUAL. But I didn't want the situation to get the best of me, so I acted casual too... I think...

Then Joan asked me if I could fetch her laptop that was in her room, so I took her room keys and went up to her room. Coming inside I was about to lock the door when Luke suddenly barged in, I was so surprised that I took a step back shyly. He gave me a flirty smile while pressing against the door and kissed me again. I was so speechless by his actions that I didn't know what to do with him, but unknown to myself I was willing to kiss him myself, in his warm embrace I felt so comfortable that I lost every common sense.

He finally let go of me when he heard his phone ringing, I was blushing from one ear to the another, looking at his eyes which grew deeper and deeper. I made him let me go, I took Joan's laptop and rushed out still blushing. We didn't said one word.

Coming downstairs my heart was still beating wildly, I stood outside the room for a second and calmed myself before I entered the room and when I entered the dinning room, Joan was looking at me suspiciously, but I silently sat beside her.

"Your lips are dry... what took you so long? My laptop was right there on the dresser," she questioned me.

"it wasn't... it was on the bed..." I replied calmly.

"Is it?" she asked me again, to which I silently nodded. She didn't ask me any more questions, but I can see suspicion in her eyes.

To my happiness another topic arose, "well as you know Jose and I hate holding separate parties. So we are not holding a bachelor or bachelorette party, but we are holding a party together, so if you have any last minute shopping to do.. DO IT NOW," she told us strictly.

Suri and I decided to do our last minute shopping that day, because Joan is very fussy about her gifts. But she exclusively liked those little trinkets and lockets with embroidery kind of designs on them. Of course we bought our individual gifts from our hometowns, but Joan likes those little gifts that she can tear open.

I gave Luke one look and he understood that today is not a great day to talk about... our situation.

Suri and I went into the town in the car, because of my leg, because it may seem fine but I didn't want to overwork it.

The town is lively with tourists from around the world. We enjoyed ourselves because we fit in right in with the crowds, if it were just locals we would stick right out and it would be awkward for us because they would stare at us.

Somewhere in the corner we found a little shop for trinkets, I went inside alone because Suri went to another shop beside it. As I entered the shop I smelled beautiful rose fragrance, and the sun shined all over the little shop, in those rays particles of dust floated around. Looking around that little old shop I found a little box that smelled like lilies, it was very pleasant and I really wanted to buy it.

But my mom said that "if you buy a box, you should buy something else to put in it", so I had to look for something else. Bought the box only and I came outside and found Suri still in the scarf's shop.

"I will look around don't go anywhere just stay here," I said to her to which she nodded.

I was walking around I found myself pretty bored, because I found nothing that I liked. Then I saw a little ice cream truck, after walking around in the sun all day I was pretty thirsty and I craved for something cool and ice cream was perfect. I went near the truck hoping to satisfy my hunger but... Coming near I saw Luke and Wilson!

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