06| Lies, Kisses and Silence

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They froze when they saw me and I was stunned too. I looked at Luke and I blushed like a red apple and he knew exactly why. Wilson gave us one look and sighed.

"You can stop pretending before me! I could say from one look that something is going on between you two, you both can talk! I'll give you guys some space!" he said with a pout while walking away from us.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked Luke while touching my burning cheeks. He casually smiled and lied "not really" while he held my hand. I looked at his kind eyes and smiled back.

We took a stroll among those little shops and he sometimes looked at me and beamed. On the other hand I could say nothing or smile, I just fell on his shoulder and walked with him. I didn't wanted to ask him any questions at that moment, because asking and answering things would spoil the moment and I liked this moment to pass on without any complications, I wanted it to be happy.

We walked back to the ice cream truck and he went with Wilson and I stood there still dazed by the moment. After recollecting myself I went to the truck to buy something cold to calm myself. I bought pure vanilla and for Suri Strawberry ice cream. I turned around to see an unbelieving situation!

I saw Andy and Maya... kissing! I quickly turned around and tiptoed hoping they don't see me, but I heard Joan shouting my name, in horror I turned around. Joan was waving at me before in a distance, while Andy and Maya eyed me in terror. I covered my astonishment and acted like I didn't see anything.

"Andy and Maya came with me to buy last minute decorations for the PARTY! On second thought... Why are you alone?" Joan asked me with a smile. I was acting my best as if I'm trying for the Oscars to cover my disbelief and it also seemed like Joan didn't have any clue about it too.

"Actually I came with Suri for some light shopping, I have to go back now, Suri must be waiting for me," I told her casually, it seemed to me like they both weren't ready to come out about their relationship so... I kept mouth closed about them in front of Joan.

I casually went my way and I really hoped they wouldn't find out that I know about them. Because I had my share of problems and I didn't wanted to carry the secrets of people I don't even like. The only thing I could do for those girls is pretending that I don't know about them. But I didn't know that Maya likes girls... Before I could think anything else I found Suri and it seemed like she found a beautiful scarf that she hoped Joan likes. While on the way we also bought a pin that looked like a butterfly, which also fitted perfectly in the box.

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