Everything to lose, Nothing to gain (p2)

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(Your pov)

When I woke up, Jack wasn't there.

I figured he was in the kitchen drinking orange juice like he does every morning.

I walked down to the living room to see him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands and his knee bouncing rapidly.


"Hey, (Y/n)."

No 'good morning babygirl' or anything like that was a red flag.

"Did you just get home?"

"A few hours ago."

It was 9am and he had just gotten home not too long ago?

Definitely another red flag.

I studied him for a few seconds since his aura was odd.

He had small bruises on his neck, scratches on his arms, and lightly scented body spray on him.

Body spray?

The bitch doesn't even wear perfume?

"Where have you been? And don't lie to me."

He looked up at me with red puffy eyes, but didn't say anything.

I opened the app with his locations over the past 12 hours.

"I already know."

I walked away from him, but he started following me.

"Baby, I didn't mean to. It was-"

"Don't give me that tired ass 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it was an accident' bullshit because I don't wanna fucking hear it."

"We can fix this, I promise."

"We can fix this?! I didn't fuck up our relationship, you did! You made the choice to be with her instead of coming home where you should've been. You are the one who decided to go fuck someone else, I didn't!"

"I made a mistake."

"So did I. I made the mistake of being oblivious to your bullshit."


"Fuck you, J. Get the fuck out right now!"

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