You thought

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What a disgrace Jack chose to be with.

She's complete opposite of him, but not in a good way.

"(Y/n)...(Y/n), you still there?" Yazim waved her hand back and forth in front of my eyes.

"Zoned out again, my bad."

I was watching Klarissa cling onto J as is she was about to fall off the edge of the earth.

...I wish she would though.

Everyone was in the mood for a night out, so we ended up at some new nightclub across twin.

"You really hate her, huh?" Yazmin knows about Klarissa's problems with me and how bad I want her to disappear.

"Yep." I replied and sipped my drink.

The next day, I went over to Johnson's house to hang out since everyone else was too hungover to go out for lunch.

"Hey." He sounded happy when he answered the door.

"Hi, baby boy."

We were sitting at his kitchen table talking and then Klarissa walked in.

"Ugh! What is she doing here?"

"She will whoop yo ass if you don't change that tone." I smiled at her and that probably made her blood boil.

"Are you threatening me?"

"It's more of a promise, boo."

I knew she wouldn't go toe-to-toe with me; she's not that stupid.

Paying close attention to Klarissa and Jack's relationship was better than a tv show because she's a faker than Kylie Jenner's lip and everything about her made Jack uncomfortable.

The whole crew met up for dinner and of course, Klarissa had to invite herself.

I knew she had been watching me watch her boyfriend, but remained silent.

"(Y/n), do you have an issue?"

"With you? Yes?"

"You keep staring at Jack and it's pissing me off."

"It's better to be pissed off than pissed on, right?" I tilted my head and smiled.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Nate look back and forth from me then Klarissa.

"Damn." He said quietly, trying to contain his laughter.

"My man doesn't want you, so you should refrain from looking in this direction."

"He doesn't? You should ask him about that because that would be news to the both of us."

I was waiting for Jack to say something to deny what I said, but he didn't say anything.



"What she's saying isn't true, is it? You love me, right?"

"I don't love you, I'm not in love with you and I never will be."

The table immediately went silent.

"This shit is going on Worldstar." Tez explained to Hayes and he took out his phone.

"Now if that isn't enough for you then I don't know what else do you need?"

She began to breathe heavily and began to cry, but I thought it was amusing.

It doesn't take rocket science to see Jack didn't want anything to do with her.

Klarissa stood up and grabbed her purse, ready to walk out, but she thought it would be smart to throw her drink at me.

Wrong move.

I lunged for her so quick, but Nate grabbed me.

I had a good grip on her hair, I'm surprised her neck didn't snap.

When I get angry, I gain an abnormal amount of strength, so Nate wasn't able to hold me for a long time.

In all, Klarissa got two black eyes, a bloody nose, and a broken tooth.

I told her it was a promise and not a threat, right?

Didn't get a single scratch though.

She can't fight.

Security had escorted her out because they saw what happened.

"I guess dinner is over now, huh?" I questioned.

"Can I talk to you outside?" Jack asked and I got nervous.

"Of course." He grabbed my hand.

I thought he would yelled at me or something.

"I know you're probably mad at me, but-"

He kissed me.

"So you aren't mad?"

"Mad at myself for dealing with someone like Klarissa. Mad at you? I'm more turned on than anything."

Oh, Johnson. 😏

{SORRY IF THIS WAS WRITTEN MESSY! I just thought it was time to update since its been awhile. Should I start taking requests to have frequent updates? 🤔 Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed. Until next time...✌🏾️}

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