Chapter 2: Red Lobster

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As soon as Chris opened the door, I jumped on him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him, and he slid his tongue deep in my mouth.

Never pulling away from the kiss, Chris made his way upstairs to our bedroom with me still on him.

He pushed me onto the bed. He climbed on top of me and started kissing and sucking on my neck. I let out a soft moan. Chris' soft hand roamed all over my body. He took off my clothes and threw them across the room and I did the same with his clothes.

He reached to get a condom, but I stopped him.

"No condom."

And with that he slid in me, going deeper and harder with each stroke.


I woke up naked, on the floor, and on top of Chris. Last night was WILD!

His eyes fluttered open.


"Hey, beautiful." He smiled. "Why we on the floor?''

"You don't remember last night?"

He looked like he was thinking. "Oh..."

I smiled, "I'm going to wash." I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then hopped in the shower.

In the middle of my shower, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. Chris joined me in the shower. The first half of our shower, we had sex again and the other half, we just washed. We were in there for almost two hours.

I got out and dried my wet hair with a towel because I didn't feel like blow drying it. I got dressed and went downstairs and into the kitchen. He sat there, naked, eating.

"I made you a plate." He pointed.

"Thank you." I grabbed my plate and sat down, staring at him,"Chris, why are you naked?" I questioned.

"Didn't feel like getting dressed." He said while eating his bacon.

"Well, you have to get dressed because I'm going to get Jr. and I don't want him to see that.'' I moved my index finger up and down, pointing to his body.

We finished eating. "I'm going to get Jr. Bye." I walked over to Chris. We kissed. It was supposed to just be a peck but it turned into a passionate kiss with tongue. He pulled me into his lap and I felt him growing underneath me. I pulled away.

"Chris, I have to go." I got out his lap.

"No, I want a quickie. Please..." He begged.

No, I have to g-" He reached his hand up my skirt and rubbed me through my panties. I knew I should've worn skinny jeans.

"Please..." He moved them to the side and played with me.

"N-No I-" He slid his fingers in me.

"Please..." He knows I'm going to give in eventually. He went in and out of me with his fingers.

"C-Chris... I have to go..."


"5 minutes." He picked me up and ran to the room.


I got dressed again. This time I wore skinny jeans.

I left the house with no distractions from Chris this time.

I pulled up to Mama J's house. I knocked on the door and within seconds she opened.

"Hey!'' She hugged me tightly.

"Hi." I smiled. We walked in the house and I sat down.

Jr. came running towards me. "Hey mommy!" He embraced me in a hug.

"Ready to go home?"


I stood up and gave Mama J a hug before I left. I got in my car and turned on some music. I put in Chris' first album, because I don't want Jr. to hear a lot if cursing.

As I'm driving down the road, I look in my rearview mirror. I adjusted it to where I could see Jr. He was playing with one of his toys. I smiled. I adjusted the mirror back and continued driving to get home to my fiancée.

I love my family.


I got a text from a number I didn't recognize.

555-0912: I need your help!

Christina: Who is this?

555-0912: Christen. My boyfriend left me on the side of the road, but he forgot I had his phone. I need you to come get me.

Christina: Where are you?

555-0912: A few miles west of 'Debby's Diner'.

Christina: I'm on my way.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I keep having those dreams. This is the first time I've had them in two and a half years. Why are they coming back?

I still haven't told anyone where I was. They don't really question me about it anymore. But now it seems as if I'm reliving the entire thing. What I did was stupid. And now, my stupidity is coming back to haunt me.


I dropped the boys of at the daycare center with Rosa, one of the daycare ladies. I haven't talked to Briana, but I really need to. It's really important but I don't know how I should tell her.

I don't wanna come right out and say it because she might start panicking. And I don't need that because I know for a fact we don't have much time. We probably have a month. I don't know when or why this is gonna happen, but it is so I need to help her.

Before its too late...

1 Month Later


Over the course of a month, I have no idea where Chris and I's relationship has gone. One day we're all lovey dovey and the next day, we're fighting nonstop.

Today was a lovey dovey day. He's taking me and Jr. to my favorite restaurant, Red Lobster. It's not too fancy and not too casual.


"Hi, welcome to Red Lobster. My name is Miranda and I'll be your server. Can I start you off with some drinks?"

I was looking at the choices of drinks while Chris and Jr. ordered. I peeped up from my menu and saw her winking and shit at Chris. I took a deep breath, 'cause I don't want to beat ass in this restaurant today.

"I'll have a sweet tea." I said. She glared at me and walked away.

"Mommy, I have to pee." Jr said.

"Tell daddy to take you."

They both got up from the table and walked to the bathroom.

Miranda came back with our drinks.
"Where's the gentleman you were with?" She set the drinks down.

"My fiancée and our son went to the bathroom." I stood up and got in her face. "If you flirt with my man again, I won't hesitate to beat yo' ass."

She just smiled sinisterly and walked away.

"What's wrong, bae, you look mad as hell." Chris came back.


When Miranda came back, we ordered and waited for our food.

"So, I have something to tell you." I sipped on my sweet tea.

"What?" He looked at me then Jr, who was coloring on the kid's menu.

"I -" I was interrupted by Miranda putting our food on the table.

"Here's your food, enjoy." She smiled, then frowned at me before walking away.

We ate our food, it was good. Miranda brought the bill.
"I hope you enjoyed your meal. Please come again." She looked at Chris and smiled.

We paid the bill and Chris put a 50 dollar bill on the table as tip.

"Chris, $50?" I grabbed Jr's hand.

"She's a good waitress."

I grabbed the $50 and put it in my wallet. I reached in my pocket and pulled out about 10 ones. I put 2 of the ones on the table.

"Good waitress my ass." I said. Chris laughed, wrapping his arm around my waist.

We walked to the exit, but was stopped by Miranda giving Chris a small piece of paper. He looked at it and slipped it in his pocket. She put her thumb and her pinky up to her face in the shape of a phone and mouthed "call me".

This $2 ass waitress just gave him her number. She so fucking lucky I can't beat her ass.

We got in the car and drove off.

"You gonna call her?" I asked.


"Are. You. Going. To. Call. Her?"

"Why would I call her when I got you?" He put one hand on my thigh.

"Cut the bullshit, Chris." I took his hand off my thigh.

"I'm not gonna call her, damn!" He yelled.

"Chris don't fucking yell at me, I just asked a question!" I yelled back.

He pulled over on the side of the road.
"Briana, shut the fuck up so I can drive. We will talk about this later because I don't want to wake Jr up." He pointed to a sleeping Jr. "Do you understand?"

I just nodded and turned around.

After 3 minutes, I kept thinking about it, getting mad all over again.

"So you gonna fuck her like Kenaysha?"

He pulled over again. He opened his door and got out. He walked around to my door, opened it, and pulled me out.
"That was 3 fucking years ago, let that shit go. If you was gonna keep bringing that shit up, you should've never got back with me." He said and got back in the car.

I tried to get in, but the door was locked. I knocked on the window and he rolled it down.

"Open the door!"

"No, you walkin' so you can cool off."

"You gonna make me and my child walk? What the fuck?"

"Nah, you and yo' child ain't walking. Just you, Jr. comin' wit' me."

"I -" I was cut off by him pulling off.

I called Christen, Christina, and Navoni, and none of them answered.

I called Reggie. I haven't talked to him in a while, he might not come.


"What kind man leaves his fiancée on the side of the road?" I asked myself while comforting Briana as she cried.

"Thank you, Reggie, but can you just take me home?"


I dropped her off in front of her house and watched her slowly walk to the front door.


I walked inside to see Jr. playing with his toys.

"Hey mommy!"

"Hey, baby." I walked upstairs to see Chris playing Temple Run 2. I sat on the bed and waited for him to say something, but he never did.

He put Jr. to bed and left, so I took that opportunity.

I packed my clothes and Jr's.

I writes Chris a letter, grabbed Jr and left, without looking back.


When I came back, I went to go check on Jr, but he wasn't there. He's probably in Briana and I's room. I walked in my room and saw a letter on the bed.

I'm sorry, Chris. I can't live like this. I'm taking Jr and we're going someplace you won't find us. I can't do this to myself and I won't do this to my kids.

With love

Underneath the letter was the engagement ring I gave her and a sonogram picture of Jr.

I looked at the date with tears threatening to pour. My eyes widened at the date. I grabbed my jacket and my keys and left.

Shit... I have to find her.


What do you think?

Do y'all like Miranda?

What do you think will happen next?

What was the stupid thing that Christina did?

What does Kenaysha have to tell Briana?

Briana and Chris was some freaks at the beginning.





Hidden Secrets: (Chris Brown Fanfiction) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now