Chapter 23: Emotional To Emotionless

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"How would you feel if I told you I might have a baby on the way?"

I wanted to be angry at him, I mean, we aren't together, but I still love him.

There were so many words that I wanted to say, but my mouth wouldn't allow them to come out. So I simply said, "Congratulations." I walked off.

I walked up to my room, lied down in bed and stared up at the ceiling. I was alone, in the silence, until Navoni walked in.

"I'm sorry about what just happened." Navoni said.

"Just leave me alone." I rolled over onto my stomach and put the pillow over my head until I felt small, cold hands on my arm.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

"No, Mommy's sick," I fake coughed, "but Mommy doesn't want you to get you sick."

"Okay, Mommy. I love you, feel better soon." He said, while walking out. I smiled.

No matter what kind of mood I am in, Jr will always be the one that can put me in a good mood..

I got up when I realized that I had to pee, and I also realized that I wasn't alone, like I had originally thought.

"You know we have to talk about this, right?" Chris said, standing by the window.

"I know, but I don't want to."

"Briana, I don't even know if that's my baby. Hell, I don't even know if she's really pregnant," He started, "it happened while I was on tour, you had already left. I had a show in New York. After the show, I decided to go to a local bar. I saw her, and I was going leave after I had one more drink, because I knew she'd cause trouble. But the next thing I knew, I was naked in her hotel room with a massive hangover."

I realized that Chris never said who "she" was. "Who is she? Do I know her?"

"Yeah, you know her, but her name ain't important."

Chris was now sitting on the bed and I was standing by the bathroom door, because I still haven't peed yet.

There was a long silence between us until I broke it. "We can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?"

"This," I said but he still looked confused, "pretending like we don't want to be together, when it's obvious to everyone else."

"Briana, you were the one who didn't want to get back with me. There was never. Thought in my mind of me not being with you."

I was starting to get emotional. "Chris I just don't wanna be hurt again."

"You're the one that's hurting yourself. You want to be with me and its killing you on the inside."

"No, Chris, you hurt me! I want to be with you, but you treat me like shit, I can't put my life or my kids life in danger."

"I don't treat you like shit, I treat you like the fucking queen that you are, but you're too fucking stupid to even notice it!"

"I'm stupid? You were stupid enough to fuck Kenaysha! You were too stupid to realize that that bitch Miranda was trying to fuck up our relationship! And you were too fucking stupid to not realize that our entire relationship was a fucking stupid ass bet that I wish I never made!" I yelled but instantly regretted it.

I watched his facial expression change from angry to confused to something that I couldn't read.

"What bet?" He said as calmly as possible.

"What? I didn't say "bet"." I tried to pretend.

"What bet, Briana?"

"Chris, I don't know what you're talking about."

He just stared at me. Then , quicker than my eyes could see, he pushed me against the wall, holding my wrists above my head.

"Tell me about the fucking bet."

I looked into his eyes, only seeing a person that I had never met before. When I didn't respond, he tightened his grip around my wrist.

"Chris, you're hurting me!"

"I'll let go of your wrist if you tell me about the bet." He squeezed even tighter.

"Okay! I'll tell you!" He let go of my wrist. I looked down at them, and they were red as hell. "Its was the first day that I met you and your sisters. Christen noticed how much I liked you, so we made a bet. If I could get you to be my boyfriend within a week, she'd owe me 20 dollars, and I won.''

He was silent. I called his name a bunch of times but he never answered.

"Briana, you are the biggest bitch I've ever met. I'm glad we ended the engagement, 'cause I don't think I could live with myself if I'd married someone like you. I'm leaving, you can keep the house, and the cars, I'll be back for my shit later. " He said, before walking out and slamming the door. When the door slammed, a picture of the dresser fell. I went to pick up the picture, only to see the picture of Chris and I when we got engaged, shattered.

I walked downstairs to see Jr covering his ears and Navoni covering Cierra's ears, I guess they could hear us.

"Are you okay?" Navoni asked.

I nodded my head. Then I realized, I hadn't shed a tear. Usually in a time like this, I'd be crying my eyes out.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and read the text.

Chris 💏❤: Oh yeah, I forget to tell you. My baby mama is Miranda.


Sorry, Chris and Briana are over, forever.

Are y'all surprised about who the mystery chick was?





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