chapter Five

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Deucalion laughed menacingly.

“Yes, that is my name.”

I felt sweat dropping down the back of my neck.

“W-what do you want?”

He was still wearing sunglasses, even though it was night time. He took a step towards me.

“I want the vile, Shannon.”

“I don’t know where it is,” I stammered.

Deucalion laughed. “I know, you silly girl. But I know that you know someone who does. Isaac Lahey knows where it is.”

“Why do you want it? What is it anyway?”

“So many questions,” He said. “That’s a bad habit, you know. Anyway, tell Isaac this: If he doesn’t give me the vile, well then, let’s just say that that will mean bad things.”

With that, he walked straight out of the front door.

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Ericka.

“Hello? Shannon, it’s late.”

“I know,” I stammered. She could tell right away that something was wrong.

“What’s wrong, Shannon?”

“Are you alone?” I asked.

“Yea. What’s going on?”

I sighed. “Don’t freak out, but Deucalion just paid me a visit.”

“Holy shit! Shannon, are you alright? I-“

“I’m fine, Ericka, he’s gone,” I said. “All he said was that if Isaac doesn’t give him the vile, whatever that is, then that will mean ‘bad things.’”

“Well, lock your doors, Shannon, and close all of the windows,” She said. “And tomorrow, we’ll come and pick you up for school.”

“Wait, Ericka, I need to ask you some things-“

She cut off the line, and I threw my phone on the couch. All of the questions bubbling up inside of me were making me frustrated. What was the vile? Why did Deucalion want it? And most of all, what was the ‘thing I didn’t know’ about Isaac? Why were Isaac, Ericka, Scott and Stiles so different from everyone else? Why were they so strong? Why were their senses so strong? What was it about them that just made me wonder how different they really were?

My alarm clock screeched at me once again, and I looked up at the ceiling, wishing for yesterday morning.

I got ready for school quickly, and Ericka came to pick me up, as promised.

I asked my questions once again, but I still got no answers from anyone. I felt so isolated; on the outside looking in. I wished that they would trust me enough to answer my questions, but then again, we had only known each other for two days.

We arrived to school, and I dragged myself through my classes like a hung-over old man. I couldn’t help but mope over the fact that I knew absolutely nothing.

In the hallway, I bumped into Aiden, again.

At the end of the day, I was ready to collapse from exhaustion. But I had a ton of homework to do. I looked for Ericka, Isaac, Stiles or Scott, but apparently they all ran away at the first sound of the bell.

I could tell they were avoiding me. All day, Only Isaac said hi to me, once. I felt a little hurt. What had I done wrong? Were my questions getting annoying? All I knew was that I needed a cup of coffee.

I walked to the local café and ordered a mocha latte. I sat with my drink and worked on homework. I tried to focus, but my mind drifted to other things, such as the vile, Deucalion, and everyone avoiding me. I felt so alone again.

I fell asleep with my head in a textbook, and by the time I came around, it was getting dark.

I collected my books, and began to walk home. By the time I was halfway there, the moon was out, and It was night. I heard a distant howl come from the forest, which gave me a chill down my spine.

As I walked, the howling got closer and closer to me. I picked up my pace. Suddenly, I heard a growl come from a group of trees not 100 yards away from me.

My body began to shiver with fear. I began to run. I felt pounding behind me, as If someone, or something, was chasing me. I wanted to scream. I tried to run faster, but my legs wouldn’t let me.

Don’t look back, I thought, don’t look back.

I looked back, and nothing was there.

I stopped, and stared at the darkness. I chuckled.

I turned back around, and almost jumped out of my skin.

Aiden was standing in front of me.

“Jeez, you scared me!” I said.

Aiden smiled, and my blood turned to ice. “Good.”

Then, It happened.

At one moment, he was just normal looking, human Aiden. Then, he was something else. He had a beard, and bushy sideburns. His ears were pointed, and he had fangs in his mouth. But what scared me the most were his cold, bright yellow eyes, lighting up the darkness.

I screamed.

I tried to run, but I couldn’t. He grabbed me around my middle, and threw me onto the pavement, knocking the wind out of me. He picked me up again, and threw me against a tree.

“Help,” I croaked. “Someone help me.”

I slid down the tree, leaving a trail of blood. I lay down in a heap, bleeding out onto the road.

Aiden approached me. He snarled at me. “I’m going to kill you, and your little Beta friends too.”

“Why?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Orders from Deucalion.” He raised his hand, which had obscenely long fingernails.

Just as he was about to slash me, something jumped out at him, tackling his to the ground. I couldn’t tell who it was, but he was punching and slashing Aiden like a mad thing. Aiden immediately cowered, and ran off into the woods.

The figure stood on his hands and knees in the road, breathing heavily. Then, the person turned to me.

It was Isaac, but he didn’t look like himself. He also had a beard, pointed ears and gleaming, yellow eyes.

He approached me, and I did my best to sit up.

I wasn’t afraid of him.

He sat next to me in the road, and I put my hand on his face.

“What are you?” I whispered.

Then, I knew. The agility. The strength. The endurance. The eyes, the ears, the beard, the claws. The howling, and the growling. It all made sense, even though it was impossible.

But the words came out of his mouth anyway.

“I’m a werewolf, Shannon.”

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