chapter Three

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School finally ended at 3 o’ clock, and I couldn’t tell you how happy I was to be out of there.

Isaac came and found me at my locker.

“How was your day?” He said, smiling cheekily.

“Fine, thanks,” I said.

Ericka pretended to be shocked. “Isaac, asking people how their day was? Shocker!”

“Shut up,” Isaac joked. “When was the last time you said something nice?”

She laughed. “Good question. Come on, guys, let’s go. Shannon, you have a lot to see.”

Isaac and Ericka let me out to their shiny, silver car. In it already was the skinny pale boy and the tan built boy.

“Shannon,” Ericka said, “Meet Stiles and Scott. They’re friends of ours.”

They smiled and waved at me. I returned their smile.

We all piled into the car. I sat between stiles and Scott, Ericka sat in the front, and Isaac drove.

“So, are you new here?” Scott asked.

“Yea,” I said, “I just got here yesterday.”

His face turned a little pale at the word “yesterday.”

He shook his head and smiled. “Well welcome. I hope that you like it here.”

“It’s nice to know already that everyone here is friendly,” I said. “I was worried about that.”

“Don’t be worried,” Stiles said, “Most of the people here are pretty nice.”

I nodded. “That’s good. “

We started driving on the forest road, away from the houses and buildings of Beacon Hills.

“Where are we going?” I inquired.

Ericka chuckled. “We want to show you what the town looks like at the top of the hill. It’s really nice.”

“We go up there all the time,” Stiles added.

I looked out on the road, and as we turned, I saw a black dot, far away, standing in the middle of the road. Nobody noticed, and the dot started to take shape. It was a man.

“Someone’s standing in the road!” I said.

Isaac’s head jerked up, and he saw the person too.

I watched Ericka’s face turn white with fear.

“Isaac,” She whispered.

“I know,” He whispered back.

Scott and Stiles saw the man too, and they were equally afraid.

“Stop the car!” Scott yelled.

Isaac slammed on the breaks, and we came to a halt in front of the man. He wore dark sunglasses, his hair was messy and brown, and he carried a cane.

“Get out of the car,” I heard the man say.

I started to fill up with fear. We all got out of the car.

Isaac grabbed my arm and whispered to me. “I shouldn’t have brought you here, I’m so sorry. I should have known he’d be here. Listen to me carefully. When I say, run into the car, take the keys and drive away from here as fast as you can.”

I was shaking. “W-what about you? And Ericka and-“

“Don’t worry about us,” He said. He sighed. “There is a lot of things you don’t know, Shannon. Now was a bad time to move to Beacon Hills.”

He let go of my arm, and we all stood in front of the man.

“Hello Isaac, Ericka, Scott, Stiles,” The man said. He looked at me.

“And who is this?”

“I’m S-Shannon,” I stammered.

The man chuckled under his breath. “Hello. My name is Deucalion.”

Deucalion looked to Isaac. “I expect that you know why I am here.”

“I do,” Isaac spat. “You’re looking for the vile. You’ll never find it.”

Deucalion laughed. “Yes I will, young Beta. One way or another.”

He looked at me, and saw my confusion as to the word Beta. My confusion made him laugh.

“She has no idea? Well, you’ll have lots to talk about, won’t you? Now give me the vile, Isaac. Or you’ll regret it.”

“Like hell!” Isaac said. “Shannon, now!”

I jumped in surprise, and dashed towards the car. I couldn’t tell what was happening behind me, but I heard a lot of strange sounds, like clawing, biting, yelping and growling.

I fumbled with the keys to the car, put in the right one, and floored the gas petal.

As I started to drive away, I saw in my rear window, someone chasing after me. I drove faster, but this person was SO fast. They actually caught up to the car, and stood in front of it. I slammed on the breaks, but it was no use. When the car hit the person,  The car flipped onto its nose, and then fell onto its back.

When the impact of the crash hit me, all I saw was blackness. 

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