A Glimpsing Reunion

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•Chapter One•
•A Glimpsing Reunion•

Sleep wasn't something that was coming to me easily. I was on my third Benadryl of the night and still wasn't feeling the effects of sleep. The first day of school was a few mere hours away. I'd only started the two essays I needed to complete this summer and I hadn't fully read any of the books I needed to. I had two books for english and between the two of them I maybe read forty pages. The book I had to read for history was so boring that I quit in the middle of the second chapter which happened to only be the thirty-eighth page. I cheated on the physics summer work and just ignored my spanish assignment. To say this school year was getting off on a good start would be a lie, and school hadn't even officially started. I'd like to say that for these reasons I was unable to sleep, but I'd be lying to myself if I blamed my sleepless nights on guilt. A particular boy was keeping me up at night. One with haunting brown eyes and a pain filled expression.

Knowing at this point that sleep was never coming I got up and decided to start my day. Maybe I could start school off by actually eating breakfast in the morning. Not that that ever lasts long. I quickly hopped in the shower, but once the warmth of the water surrounded me I found myself closing my eyes and wishing I could sleep standing up. Once out of the shower I towel dried my hair, brushed it out and then put on my outfit for the day. I greeted my dad downstairs and poured myself a cup of coffee.

"I put the cream back in the fridge." He muttered around the spoon of milk in his mouth. I always enjoyed how my dad ate milk with a side cereal every morning for breakfast.

"I'm good." I sat down with the cup of coffee in my hand.

"I can't imagine how you drink it black, you never even gave cream a chance." He mused.

"And you've never tried it black, you hypocrite." I threw back.

"I've been drinking coffee a lot longer than you, I know how I like it and I'm not about to change my mind." He huffed, shoveling more milk with bits of cereal into his mouth. He then took the bowl of milked, tipped it into his mouth and drank the rest. At least he doesn't waste it.

"If you never try it, you'll never know." I got up, chugged my coffee, cringing at the bitter burn down my throat and went back upstairs, grabbing a banana on my way.

I blow dried my hair and then began to flat iron it. Flat ironing never took me long and before I knew it I was ready to go to school with a half hour to still kill. Collapsing back on my bed I decided I probably still had time to put on some make up, which I usually did in the car on the way to school, which never ended well for my eyes. I took my time applying eyeliner and mascara, fearing for the safety of my eyes if I went too fast. After that, I decided getting to school early wouldn't be the worst thing I'd ever done. Never doing my summer homework on time would probably top the list.

I waved goodbye to my dad as I pulled out my phone. Standing in the middle of the parking lot I sent a quick text to Thea, I hope she's already here. Even though the school day didn't start for twenty minutes the halls were bustling with teenagers. Teenagers telling their parents to leave, teenagers greeting their friends, teenagers wandering around lost and confused. Attempting not to look like one of the lost and confused, I made my way to my locker. The lockers were assigned alphabetically, meaning my locker was on the second floor where the latter half of the alphabet resided. Thea's locker is on the first floor and so is my other good friend, Heath's. Finding my locker wasn't too difficult, since my schedule was tapped to the front of it just like the other lockers.

Gently prying off my schedule I read through my classes. "Four AP's..." That's going to be a killer, what was I thinking?

"Unacceptable!" My phone screamed. I need to remember to put that on vibrate.

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