Sad Love Story Kor Ver

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One day a Someone Shot Donghae in the chest with a gun and Liliana's dad starts calling Her and Got the bad news from her father and Her father says Liliana Something happened to Donghae and Liliana Says Yeah what about Donghae and Her Father says someone shot Donghae in the chest with a gun and Liliana says Donghae no and She runs over to the police station and The security guard tells her madam we have to go and Liliana Says wait can stay for a little more longer and The guard says Okay Sure and Liliana Says Donghae don't you dare leave my side  and She Cries magical tears and The bullet is gone and then all of Sudden Donghae is alive and Liliana says Donghae you're alive and She hugs him and Kisses Him and Donghae says okay I'll never leave your side ever again and Liliana says okay and Liliana and Donghae is already wearing clothes and Donghae and Liliana go to her mansion and Donghae This is My Mother Lara and My father Jason and her mother and Her Father Says its nice to meet you Donghae and Donghae Says Its nice to meet you too and Donghae kneels down on one knee and Proposed An engagement to Liliana and Liliana asks her parents permission and Her parents says Yes Go marry him Liliana and Liliana Says yes Donghae I will marry you and Donghae and Liliana are having a wedding and Liliana's mother buys her a wedding dress and Mom I like this one and her mom Says Okay I'll buy you that dress and Her mother pays with credit card and Liliana Says Thanks mom and Her Mom Says Don't Mention it and Donghae is ready for his wedding with Liliana and Liliana is Ready too and They are both walking down the hall and They exchanged rings and Donghae Says I do and Liliana Says I do and Priest says you may now kiss the bride and Donghae physical kisses Liliana and Liliana Kisses him and They're living together and In a Beautiful beach house and They both lived peacefully and they both kept on kissing the first time and They didn't want to have kids and They remain together as Husband and Wife and They both lived happily ever after.

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