11. Comatose

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The bell rings to signal the end of Chemistry class. I get up and out of my seat, grabbing my things. I look up to see Scott watching me while he gets up as well. I offer him a smile, and get one in return.

I walk to my locker, and Malia comes up beside me. "Hey," She says.

"Hi," I say, placing a kiss on her cheek. She smiles, but it's quickly replaced with a scrunched up nose. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"You smell...sick," She says, taking my hand. "Are you okay?"

I look to the ground. "Uh, yeah, I think so." I meet her eyes. "I'm fine."

She nods, and kisses me one more time before heading to her next class. As soon as she leaves, I look around for Scott, finding him down the hall talking to Kira.

"Scott," I whisper; getting his attention. When he looks up at me, I wave him over. He says goodbye to Kira and comes to stand in front of me.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Malia was just here, and she said I smelled sick."

I see Scott take a whiff, and his nose scrunched a bit. "Yeah, you kinda do."

I sigh, looking him straight in the eyes. "Is that bad? Does that mean...?"

He shakes his head. "No, Stiles. You're not..." He leans in. "You're not dying."

I nod, but I don't quite believe him. I put it out of my mind and we walk to our next class together.


Later that night, I walk into my room and plop down on my bed. My life has gotten so complicated in the past month. Not as complicated as being possessed by an evil fox spirit, but a close second.

I sit up, and walk to my bare wall. I remember all of the police cases I was studying and trying to solve. Eichen House murders, homicides, anything. I'm so glad I stopped stressing over them.

I feel a wave of nausea hit me. My eyes loose their focus for a moment. I put a hand on the wall to steady myself. It passes, but I still feel woozy.

I try to move back to my bed, but another hit of wooziness overcomes me. I close my eyes, trying to regain my balance. I feel something drip down from my nose, and rub it away. I open my eyes to see blood on my fingers.

It's the last thing I see before I fall to the ground.



I walk into the house to silence. Weird, seeing as Stiles should be home from school by now. I move to the kitchen, putting my stuff down on the counter.

"Stiles?" I call. "You home?" No answer.

Confused, I walk up the stairs and head to his room. The door is closed, so I knock first. Maybe he fell asleep?

"Stiles?" Silence.

I open the door as gasp. There, lying on the ground, is Stiles. I rush to his side. I look at his nose to see blood dripping down, making a small puddle on the floor. I shake him, trying to wake him up. He doesn't move. I quickly check for a pulse. I don't feel anything for a second, before a faint thump sounds against my fingers.

"Stiles! Wake up! Son, wake up!"

I pull out my phone, about to call 911, when I decide against it. I can get to the hospital faster than the ambulance can get here.

Carefully, I put my arms under his back and his knees, and lift him into my arms. I rush down the stairs, use one hand to grab my keys, and open the door. I get Stiles into the back seat of my car, and get in myself. I rush to Beacon Hills Memorial.

Once I arrive, I burst through the emergency doors.

"Melissa!" I call. "Where's Melissa McCall?"

"Right here! John, what's--" Melissa comes running, stopping when she sees Stiles's limp body. She looks up at me, and I give her a look. She nods. "Get him a stretcher!"

Someone comes over, and I place Stiles on the bed. We roll him down the hallway, and rush him into a room. Melissa immediately sets to work, hooking up an IV and checking his pulse. She reads her watch, and gives a slight shake of her head. "His pulse is dropping."

My heart slams my chest. "Is he okay?"

"How did you find him?" She asks.

"I got home from work and I didn't hear him. So I went up to H-his room and he was just, on the ground. His nose was bleeding." I try to control myself.

Melissa nods, and a nurse comes in with a needle. She gladly takes it, and puts it into the IV now rooted in Stiles's arm. Once she's done, she says, "Call Scott."

I take out my phone and hit his contact. He answers on the third ring. I quickly tell him what happened, and he says he'll be there in a couple minutes. I hang up, and watch as Melissa puts an oxygen mask on my son.

I'm about to ask when she says, "His pulse is very low, and his breathing is becoming laboured. I need to give him as much oxygen as possible." I nod, and come to stand next to Stiles.

Scott bursts through the door after a couple minutes, his eyes wide and fear on his face. "Stiles," He breathes, coming to stand at the foot of the bed. Looking to me, he asks, "You said you found him on the floor in his bedroom?"

I nod. "His nose was bleeding, and his pulse was very faint."

I see tears start to form in his eyes. "Is...is he okay Mom?" His voice breaks.

Melissa stops pumping the oxygen mask, and a nurse comes in with a new one--but a tube is attached to this one. "He's comatose."

My heart drops. Scott lets out something that sounds like a laugh. "He's...is a coma?"

Melissa nods. "I have to get him into imaging. I think he might have had some type of aneurism, but I don't know for sure."

"But, couldn't that kill him?" I say. My mind is spinning.

"Yes, but like I said, we need to send him to get an X-ray. Something definitely happened to his brain."

I need to sit down. I take a place in the chair beside the bed, and put my head on my hands. My son is in a coma. He could have had an aneurism. He could die.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Scott walk over to Stiles's side. He grabs his hand, and closes his eyes. Not a second afterwards, he jerks back. "What's wrong?" I ask.

Scott shakes his head. "I've never felt like that before. I-I was trying to take away his pain, if he had any. But, I was--it was like I was knocked out of it..."

"Almost like a mental block pushed you out?" He nods. I sigh.

Melissa turns to Scott. "Okay, before we bring him to imaging, is there any Supernatural details I need to know?"

"He--Stiles is losing his werewolf abilities. Deaton said that they will go away, and the he might--" Scott stops, casting a side glance my way. "It won't be good."

Melissa nods, and starts to wheel the stretcher out of the room. "It'll take an hour or two. We're going to do a lot of tests. Scott, go home. It's a school night. You can come to check on him tomorrow. "John, stay as long as you like."

We both nod, and I usher Scott out of the room. Once he's gone, I follow Melissa to the elevator. If Stiles is going through X-rays, I want to be there.

I just hope he'll be okay.


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