12. What's Wrong With Him?

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I sit in the waiting room just outside the Imaging room. I've been here for about an hour now. The doctors wouldn't allow me in to spectate; something about safety. I wasn't paying attention to that part.

And so, I sit, my head in my hands. I feel tears form in my eyes, and I wipe them away before they can fall. My son is in a coma. I can't stop thinking about Stiles, and what he's endured in his short life. Multiple deaths, his best friend becoming a werewolf, being possessed by an evil fox spirit, dying...and coming back as a werewolf. Now he's losing those powers, and is in a coma. How has he survived so long?

"John." I look up to see Melissa standing in front of me. I jump to my feet.

"Is he okay? What did they find?" I ask, frantic for answers.

She sighs. "the results will come back in about thirty minutes. They're wheeling him down to a room right now." Offering a smile, she puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "He'll be fine."

I nod, but I can't find the will to smile. He's my son; I never want anything to happen to him.

We walk down the hall to Stiles's room. I walk in to find what I expected. He's laying on the bed, an oxygen mask covering half of his face. Blankets pulled up over his chest, his arms limp at his sides. He looks like he could be dead, save for the light movement from his chest.

I move to stand beside him. I grab his hand, squeezing. Watching him breath through a tube brings tears to my eyes. I would have never thought this would happen to Stiles. He's been through so much, but I never imagined this.

Melissa says she'll be back, and quietly leaves. I pull up a chair, and sit down. Finally, I allow myself to cry.

I cry like I did when I lost Stiles after the Nogitsune. I cry like I did when Claudia died. I cry like its the last time I'll ever see my son.

"Stiles," I whisper. "Please. Don't...I don't want to lose you again."

Like I thought, no answer. After all, he's in a coma. He can't speak to me. But I have hope. He'll wake up; he'll make it through this.

Melissa comes back in after a while. I wouldn't have heard her if not for what she says.

"We got the results."

I jolt up, getting to my feet. My eyes are wide, my mouth parted. "What? What's wrong with my son?"

Another doctor walks in. Offers me a smile, and I notice a clipboard in his hand. My heart skips a beat.

"Hello, Mr. Stilinski. My name is Dr. Steven Lake. I was the one who performed the tests on your son..." He pauses, his brows merging. "How do I--"

"Just call him Stiles," Melissa and I say at the same time. Dr. Lake nods.

"On your son, Stiles. We have gotten the results, and it's...not as bad as we thought. Well, actually, it's almost like..."

I take a step forward. "What? Like what?"

He steeles himself. "Like there is no injury. Almost as if he healed."

Melissa and I share a look. I glance back at Stiles. "How?"

Dr. Lake takes in a breath. "Well, when Stiles was brought in, he was bleeding through his nose, meaning there was some kind of bleeding somewhere in his brain. We thought it might have been an aneurism, but there is no injury to your son's head."

I feel myself relax a bit. But, confusion leaks into my mind. Stiles...healed? But he lost his werewolf powers; he shouldn't be able to heal like that anymore.

"Th-Thank you, Dr. Lake," I say. "It's very much appreciated."

He nods. "I'll leave you two alone for a bit. If you have any questions, please ask for me." With that, he walks out, closing the door behind him.

I turn to Melissa. "How?"

She shakes her head. "I have no idea," She says. "But he's still comatose. He has to wake up on his own."

I nod. I move to stand beside Stiles. "What is happening to you?" I whisper. "Are you hurting?"

Nothing. I go to look back to Melissa, but something catches my eye. Stiles's hand twitches. I gasp. Melissa does the same, coming to stand across from me.

"Did he--he just moved!" I exclaim.

She shakes her head. No words come out of her parted lips.

Finally, she says, "That happens. They sometimes respond to someone's voice. Someone they know and love." A smile twitches on her face.

I brush some stray hairs from his face. "You keep communicating, Stiles. I'm here."

I just hope he'll be okay.



Directly after school, I head to the hospital. I couldn't stop thinking about Stiles all day today. I want to know what happened to him.

I walk through the doors and head to the front desk. Luckily, Mom is there. I call her and she looks up, smiling.

"Hey," She says. "2nd floor, room 204."

I nod, thank her, and head to the elevator. Once I'm on the second floor, I search for his room. Finally finding it, I knock on the door. Mr. Stilinski's voice ushers me in.

I enter the room to see the Sheriff sitting on a chair beside Stiles's bed. Stiles is hooked up to IVs, a heart monitor, and a oxygen tube that is fed down his throat. He looks pale; eyes are closed, arms limp at his sides.

"Hey, Sheriff," I say, offering a small smile. "How's he doing?"

John sighs. "He's doing fine. But, the doctor told us something that I think you might have an answer to."

"Okay," I say, taking the seat beside him. "What is it?"

"The doctor said that something had happened to Stiles's brain," He says. "But he...healed...from it."

I furrow my brows. Look over at Stiles. "He...healed?"

A nod. I shake my head slowly. "How? He lost his werewolf powers. He--" I stop, thinking of something. I walk over to Stiles's bedside, inspecting him.

When Jackson was the Kanima, he basically killed himself on the lacrosse field. Once he was at the hospital, he started...evolving. Maybe that's what is happening to Stiles?

"Scott?" John says. I turn to him.

"I think I know what's happening to him," I state. The Sheriff's eyes widen. "But I need someone to be here."

I pick up my phone, and call Deaton.


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