4. Beach ft emo

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"c'mon Lance hurry up!" Pidge honks the car. Lance rushes to get his stuff, he has woken up late once again. Pidge already knew he was going to be late.

"How long is he going to take?" Keith asked.

"It takes him about 10 minutes to get ready, his record is 3 minutes." Pidge answers.

Lance rushes out and locks the door behind him. He was currently shirtless and only had his trunks on. He opens the door and jumps in as fast as he could. "Sorry about that, my alarm clock didn't work."

Pidge sighed. "Whatever, it's fine do you at least have your stuff?" Lance nodded.

"I have a bag filled with a bunch of towels and a change of clothes."

Beside Lance was Keith looking out the window while listening to music. Lance was curious. I wonder what type of music is he listening to. He thought. Lance finally had the courage to ask.

He taps Keith's shoulder, "hey what are you listening to?" Keith removes one of his earbuds.

"Oh I'm listening to (some emo trash music)." He puts his earbuds back in. Lance was expecting Keith to share so they can both listen.

"Are we there yet?" Lance asked impatiently.

"No not yet." Hunk said.

Lance immediately thought of an idea. "Hey guys let's play a game."

"Yeah let's play a game since I'm bored." Hunk yawned.

Lance tapped Keith's shoulder again. He removes his earbuds. "Would you like to play a game with us maybe you can get to know more about us."

"Sure." Keith nodded.

"Let's play truth or dare." Hunk said.

Lance jumped up and down with excitement, he loved doing the dares.

Pidge had an evil smile written all over her face. Lance is going to regret playing this game. She thought.

"Since Keith is new he must go first." Keith was not the type who would do dares.

"Truth or Dare?" Lance asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"T-Truth." Keith wasn't about to pick dare just yet.

"What's your deepest darkest secret?" Keith was shook af, he didn't expect to be asked such a question. He had so many secrets to hide, if he told them his secret it might make the rest think he's disgusting. He shook his head and though about a lie.

"I listen to Taylor Swift." The whole car was quiet, nobody expected this. Oh why did I say that, I'm such a dumbass. Well it's better than telling them my real secret. He thought. Keith glanced at Lance who was about to lose it.

"BAHahahHHahHhHaha!" Once Lance laughed everyone else joined in. When Lance laughed Keith couldn't help himself and laughed with him.

After many minutes, Hunk stopped the car. "We're finally here guys." Lance immediately jumps out the car.

"Last one in the water is a rotten egg!" Lance yells as he runs to the beach. Hunk follows. Pidge and Keith stare eachother down and race to the ocean.

Pidge eventually gets there before Keith. Keith hadn't had this much fun in years after the awful incident which involves his parents. He shakes his head and snaps back into reality. He walks over to the sand and places his stuff on a towel. He lies down on the towel and falls asleep.

Hunk and Pidge were throwing water at eachother and having fun. Lance was making a sand tower while watching Keith rest. Lance gets up from his spot and sneaks up on Keith with a hand full of sand. He places the sand all over Keith's body without waking him up. Lance noticed a very faint scars on his stomach, how did he get this? He thought as he touched the scar gently.

"Do you mind?" Lance jumped and screamed, his face all red.

"I-I uhh.." he looked everywhere but Keith. "I wanted to know if you'd like to join us in the water." Wow nice save dude you almost got caught doing some gay shit.

"Fine but I won't go in the deep end and also why is there sand on me?"
Lance completely forgot about the sand.

"I was going to cover you in sand and give you a mermaid body." Lance snickered.

Keith got up and the sand fell off. Lance sighed and followed Keith. His heart still beating and his face slightly red.

"Hey Keith you're finally here to join us." Hunk smiled. "Since we're four people I think we should pair up and have a splash war."

Keith tilted his head. "A splash wa-" Hunk immediately splashed water on Keith. The emo was unhappy he was not having it, this was the last straw. He uses all his force to splash Hunk back. But misses and splashes Lance instead.

"Wow how could u do this I thought we had smth." Lance splashes Keith back. Hunk splashes Pidge.

Everyone was giggling, but it all had to come to an end.

"Thank you for today guys." Keith said. Lance, Pidge and Hunk smiled. They dropped Keith off to his house and waved him goodbye.

"Ah man so what do you guys think of Keith?" Lance asked.

"He might seem intimidating but if you get to know him a bit he's just a sweet person." Hunk said. Pidge nodded approvingly.

The car stops and Lance is finally home, "bye guys see you on Monday!" They wave him goodbye and leave.

Lance had to go pick up his siblings from Allura.

-- Lance walking to Allura's house --

*Dingy dongy*

Allura answers the door. "Hey Lance, your siblings were wonderful. I already fed them and now they're so energetic."

"I'm sorry I had to give the kids to you, I already know your father is sick." Allura shook her head.

"It's alright you always get me pizza the least I can do is take care of them."

"Thank you so much Allura." In the distance, footsteps were heard, closer and closer.

"LANCE!!" They jump on Lance giving him a big hug.

"No problem Lance, I'll see you on Monday." They both wave goodbye.

"Were you two good at Allura's?" They both nod aggressively. "That's great."


Sorry for the very very very late chapter. I was so busy so I hope you liked this chapter

Remember to follow @MagentaLotus

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