Chapter 3: On the gentle waves we leave.

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"Hey where are we going!" You shout as he pulls you along with him in a tight grip around your wrist. He doesn't answer and keeps walking towards the crashing and violent, blue, unforgiving waves. You struggle against his hold, but your hand does not budge from his own. The man begins walking into the freezing cold water dragging you along into its depths in which that had already begun to soak your shoes and pants.

 Panic begins to settle in as you're dragged deeper and deeper into the oceans murky cold waves. "Don't be afraid." The mans voice finally breaks the silence that surrounded you two. You hesitantly decide he is either to crazy to let you go or he knows what he's doing, either way there is no chance of escape. The water now reaches your chin and your attempts to stay calm are futile as you try to keep your head above water. That is when he pulls you under the cold water, you look up at him you (e/c) eyes looking at him as he puts on a seal skin and to your surprise....he turns into the seal you have saved....

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