Chapter 3 - Christmas Dinners & Awkward Situations

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Before anyone had time to process it, the winter holiday had approached and Scorpius, Albus, and Rose were riding the train back home. Though the boys would have preferred to stay at Hogwarts, their parents wanted them at home, where they could keep an eye on them themselves.

The three friends sat in a compartment together on the Hogwarts express, sharing a bag of sweets Albus had just purchased from the trolley witch. He'd done it mostly to attempt to get back on her good side, as the last time they'd encountered one another... Well, it hadn't been pretty. Scorpius didn't like remembering it, but he was forced to relive it as Rose couldn't contain her curiosity about their adventure off the Hogwarts express.

"Her hands really changed into spikes?" Rose asked incredulously. She was sitting next to Albus, who had finally seemed to accept that Rose was going to be his friend, and had given up on pushing her away. As a result of this, he'd become considerably less moody and more comfortable with hanging out with her.

"Yup. It was creepy." He said, and Scorpius nodded in agreement.

"You're lucky she didn't pull those spikes out on you now for what you did that day." Rose said. "In fact, she didn't even mention that encounter. Do you think she even recognized you? She's quite old."

"Of course she did. Did you not see the murderous gleam in her eyes when she saw us? I was fearing for my life." Scorpius replied, and Rose snickered.

"I wouldn't have bought the sweets if it weren't for that look. I'm really not that hungry, you two can have them." Albus said, and he handed them each a chocolate frog as someone opened the door to their compartment.

A tall boy with dark blond hair and handsome features stepped in and smiled at them all. "Hi. How are you all doing?" He asked politely.

"We're fine, thanks." Albus replied curtly.

"Alright, I'm just checking all the compartments to see if everything's okay. You know, prefect stuff." He said, indicating to the badge on his robes. "Well, see you. Bye, Rose." He waved at her, smiling, and Scorpius immediately noticed her cheeks flush with color.

As soon as the boy left the compartment, both Scorpius and Albus turned to her, simultaneously asking, "Who was that?"

Rose rolled her eyes at them. "You two look like he just came in here and threatened us. Calm down, he's just a friend. A fellow Gryffindor."

Albus looked at her skeptically. "If he's just a friend, why are you blushing?"

"I am not!"

"You are too!"

Rose sighed. "If you must know, his name is Jack Fellows, and he's a fifth year Gryffindor who I sometimes study with. He's been telling me all about the O.W.L preparation we'll have to do next year. Did you know I can't take Ancient Runes anymore unless I get an Outstanding for it on my O.W.L?"

However, Scorpius and Albus ignored her attempt to change the subject, and continued talking about Jack.

"He reminds me of how Uncle George describes how Uncle Percy was when he was our age." Albus commented, his lip curling in a sneer as he watched Jack walk down the hall and into another compartment.

"Well, that's not very nice Al-"

"Besides, he's way too old for you." Scorpius said, also snarling, but inside, he was a mess of panic and terror. Was it possible that Rose liked someone else?

"It's only a year!" Rose said defiantly, but then she sighed. "Whatever, guys. Just stop getting so worked up, I don't even like him. We're just friends."

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