Chapter 2 - Owl Post

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Comment if you get the chapter title😉
Hint: It's a POA thing.


Before he went to bed that night, Albus decided to write a letter to his Mum, telling her to call Rose off. He had just got out his parchment and quill and was about to address it to her, when Ginny Potter's voice spoke in his mind, saying the exact response he knew she'd write back to him.

Albus Severus Potter.

You've been getting into far too much trouble lately and someone's got to keep an eye on you. Hermione, Draco and I all agree that Rose should be friends with you and Scorpius, so she can do just that. And also, Albus, it'll be nice to have your cousin hanging out with you. You two don't spend enough time together these days. I don't know what happened, you used to be best friends when you were six!

Also, don't forget to send Neville our love because I know James didn't listen to me when I told him that, and we haven't seen Neville in so long! I don't care if you think it's embarrassing or whatever, just do it.

Lots of love, Mum.

Yeah, he definitely wasn't writing to his Mum.

So instead, he touched his quill to the parchment and addressed his letter to his Dad instead.

Dear Dad,

I don't know if Mum's told you, but she's forced Rose to be friends with me. She's going to be tagging along everywhere I go and she'll be a constant nuisance. And the worst part is, she's taking her job way too seriously. She was probably late to class today because she insisted on walking to Care of Magical Creatures with Scorpius and I. She's even threatened to sneak in to the Slytherin common room if we try to hide from her there! Please, for the good of all of us, please try to convince Mum to call her off. I don't know how long I'll last if I have to keep putting up with her. Scorpius and I are better off on our own. We don't need an extra third person.

Love, Albus.

He folded up the letter and tied it to his owl's leg, who flew off to deliver it to Harry.



Scorpius woke up the next morning with a smile still lingering from the day before. He practically skipped down to the Great Hall for breakfast, with Albus trudging behind him looking far from cheerful.

"What's gotten into you today? You're acting really weird, mate." Albus said.

"Oh you know, nothing much. Just the fact that I'm going to see my new friend today." Scorpius said. He'd been thinking about it all night - replaying those same words in his head over and over again. Rose Granger-Weasley is my friend. She doesn't hate me - in fact she probably likes me a bit if we're friends.

"Oh, not this again. You know, Scorpius, I bet you she's going to forget about us soon and everything will go back to normal. Like it should be."

"I don't think she'd do that. Rose is really determined. A bit stubborn sometimes, but I love her anyway."

Albus just shook his head at his head at Scorpius in disbelief, and what seemed like a hint of pity. Then together they made their way to the Slytherin table, where they sat on the edge (away from everybody else) as usual. Except this time, something was different.

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