Chapter 4 - Cake Catapults = Bad Idea

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Soon enough it was summer, and as Ron had promised Hermione, they would be getting married (again) in late august which, to Scorpius's surprise, was now only a week away. He didn't really understand the appeal of having a marriage renewal like Ron and Hermione were doing, but was excited to attend nonetheless, if only because Rose would be there and he hadn't seen her all summer.

With only one week left before the wedding, everyone at the Potters' house (including Scorpius, who had been staying at Albus's house and hanging out with him for the past week) was in a frenzy trying to prepare for the big event. The whole family, along with all the Weasleys had gone to the banquet hall the wedding would be held at to decide on decorations, food, and other things for the wedding, and Albus and Scorpius had unwillingly been dragged along in case the adults needed help with anything. However, they quickly realized their services were of no use, as they sat at a table watching all the adults run around trying to get everything together, completely ignoring them.

Albus rose from their table to go to the bathroom, talking about how Scorpius and he had been sitting doing nothing for the past hour and he needed to stretch his legs. As he left, however, someone else took his seat, and Scorpius suddenly snapped out of his bored state of mind and was on high alert. "Hi Rose." He said.

"Hey, Scorpius, how are you?" Rose asked. "How's your summer been?"

"It's been good. I've been staying with the Potters for the past week, so I got dragged along with them here to help prepare."

"I don't know what they were thinking bringing us here. I could've been writing that transfiguration essay right now, but nope, instead I have to sit here with nothing to do."

"You're still writing it? Knowing you, I'd have though you'd have finished it in the first week of summer."

"Oh, I did, but then I decided I could do much better, so I burned that one and rewrote it. Now I've realized that my second one was equally as bad as the first, so I need to write it again."

"I'm sure whichever paper you had in will be fine. Your work is always good." Scorpius said, as Rose smiled. they sat there for a few moments, unsure of what to talk about. In a small attempt to break the silence, he asked, "Do you know what they're doing right now?" He nodded his head toward the adults as he said it, who were all gathered in the centre of the hall, looking at bouquets of flowers.

"Probably deciding on which flowers to use as the centrepieces." Rose replied, as one of the servers working at the hall stopped next to their table to talk to his colleague. He had his back to them, and in is hand was a bouquet of red roses. Scorpius plucked one from the bouquet without the worker noticing and, in an attempt to do something nice for Rose, handed it to her.

"Would you like a rose, Rose?" He said, grinning sheepishly.

"Haha, very funny," she said sarcastically as she took it, but she was smiling and blushing nonetheless. "I get it, a rose for Rose. Well as long as we're doing that, here you go Bread Head." Rose pulled out a sandwich from her bag, smirking. "Don't worry, you can eat it, it hasn't been poisoned with stuff from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, unlike most food in my house. It's just a sandwich mum made me bring along for lunch; though I'm warning you, it might as well be poisoned for how good a cook mum is."

They were both laughing as Albus approached the table, back from his trip to the washroom. "What are you two laughing about?" He asked skeptically, his eyes flicking between Scorpius and Rose.

"Nothing." Rose said, though she couldn't keep the smile off her face. "How are you, Albus?"

"I'm fine. By the way, have you seen all the cakes in hall?"

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