Chapter Six: Being Used

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  • Dedicated to My Fans

Saying I didn't have a forming bond with the Carson brothers would be a lie. Saying I wasn't thinking about staying would also be a lie. I was confused. I had no idea what to do. If I left, then everyone in the camp would be safe from my past and I wouldn't ever have to worry about them being hurt. If I stayed, I put them in danger and would have to let them in. It was something I had done to few people. Those few people beat me until I was on the brink on death. Several times.


They let me live only for their own amusement. I knew, that when I ran away, they would come for me. I knew they were still looking for me. They would never give up their search for their little slave girl. The one that, no matter what, treated them with respect and bid to all of their wishes without hesitation.


I never once questioned them about anything. I did what I was told, when I was told to do it. I lived a "if they say jump I ask how high" kind of life. That's why I left. I wanted to live my own life. I didn't want to get beat every day and get bossed around like a slave.


Maybe she's just ignoring you.

She's not ignoring me. She won't talk because you're here.

My eyes snapped open. Magnus and Sebastian were both sitting in front of me. They weren't looking at me anymore. I took this as my oppertunaty to attack. I jumped up from my spot on the grass and tackled them. I punched both of them several times. When I finished my assault on the brothers, I stood up and looked down on them.

"That was hot." Sebastian told me.

"That was painful." Magnus added.

I glared. "That's what you get for disturbing be while meditating."

"I'll remember that." Magnus said, rubbing his sore neck.

To my surprise, Sebastian stayed quiet.

I stalked away to my make-shift house thing. All it was, was a sleeping bag under the cover of a small tree. I had piled leaves under under the sleeping bag so it would almost feel like I was laying on a bad. Iwas given big pieces of wood to make walls and a door. When Sebastian and Magnus offered me their huts, I refused and told them that I could take care of myself.

I was almost back into my dream-like state when I felt the presence of another person. "What?" I asked in a dazzed voice.

"Can you open you open your eyes? So I can at least pretend that you are listening." A familiar voice said.

With a deep sigh, I opened my eyes. Sebastian was standing in my doorway with a small smile on his face. I gestured for him to join me. He sat across from me.

"Magnus told me about your dream yesterday night." Sebastian started.

"What about it?"

"Well, you've been distant latey."

"What if I'm being distant because I'm not used to talking to people." I questioned, raising a single eyebrow.

"I considered that, but then I looked through the notes Magnus and the others took while observing you. You're friendly to everyone that approches you and can carry on long conversations without a problem. I think it was the dream."

"Well, you're wrong." I went back into my meditading pose, planning on ignoring him.

"No I'm not. The dream you had is haunting you." My eyes snapped open at his tone. It was... caring. Almost as if he gave a shit about me. "You dreampt about something in your past, didn't you."

"It's none of your god damned buisness!" I yelled, getting to my feet so suddenly, it made him jump.

"You'r part of the gang now, I have a right to know." He also stood up, but he had to duck his head because of how low the tree branches were.

"Then I quit!" I screamed, more angry at myself than him. I kicked and shoved at the wood that made the wall of my hut until they all fell to the muddy ground. It had started to rain while I was trying to meditate. I started to stomp away, but Sebastin quickly got in my path.

"Please don't go." He begged.

"Why?" I demanded. "I like being on my own."

"I-I can't..." He stamered.

"You can't what?"

He glanced away from me. "I can't lose a team member. I need you..." He paused, sounding like he hated himself. "I need you're skills."

My face fell. He was using me? What about all the flirting? Was that just... for his own amusment? "Sorry, but I'm all out of being used."

"No, Carman! Its not like that!" He insisted.

"Wanting me to stay for my skills is the same as using me, Sebastian." He seemed surprised when he heard me say his name. It was the first time he heard me say it. "Trust me, I would know." When I closed my eyes for a brief second, I caught a glimps of the last people that used me. "I'm no ones pet anymore."

I walked away from his defeated form. When I was almost out of hearing range, I swear I heard, "I can't lose you. I need... you."


So? What do you guys think?

Will Carman come back, or will she drop all the new friends she made?

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