Chapter Ten: Waterfall Fun-ish

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Being the chicken she is, Starr sent Moon to give me new clothes. He just handed them to me and left without saying a word. He was an odd person. One minute he would be talking your ear off, and the next, he was silent. It made no sense to me at all. After dressing, I stalked around, looking for Starr. She owed me answers, and I was going to get them. I asked around, and apperently, she went to town with Amy to get some supplies. After walking around some more, I finally found someone I knew. Magnus was putting wood in fire pits for the oncoming night.

"Hey." I greeted him.

He turned around, a smile on his face. "Hey, how are you doing?"

"Pretty good, you?"

"Fine." He said, wipping his hands on his pants. "Sorry I didn't come see you after your whipping. I'm just not really good with blood."

"It's alright. I don't blame you. I probably would have stayed away too." I smiled lightly at him before quickly changing the subject so I wouldn't have to explain anything to him. "So, what's up with Moon?"

His eyebrows drew together. "What do you mean?"

"He gets really quiet suddenly sometimes." I said.

"Oh, that." Magnus rubbed the back of his neck. "He has problems with his vocal cords and sometimes he just can't talk."

"What happened?"

"Have you noticed that he always wears a scarf?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, I don't really pay much attention to what people wear."

"Well, he and Starr were on a mission. They always went on them together, they said they didn't trust anyone better than each other. They got captured and were tortured for information they didn't have. Starr had passed out and they thought she was dead. Moon, on the other hand had his throat slit and was left for dead. Luckily, the police and an ambulance were their minutes before he would have died. When he was almost healed, we stole him from the hospital, unknowingly damaging his vocal cords."

I stared at Magnus in horror. No wonder everyone kept asking me if I really wanted to be part of their group. It was dangerous. One slip up on a mission and you were done for. Did I really want to be part of this now? Of course not. Would I be able to leave? Ha! Yeah right! This was literally the only safe place in the country that I could be. I wouldn't be able to live in this town knowing that the people I just met could be dropping like flies.

"The twins used to be really close up until then, but Starr weirdly blamed it on herself and they haven't been the same since then. They're both kind of bipolar now. Starr can be really girly one minute and have a bad attitude the next. Moon can hate you one minute and be your best friend in the next. I don't really know what their deal is anymore." Magnus finished.

"I honestly don't know what to say." I told him.

"You don't have to say anything. Just don't treat either of them any different than you do now."

I nodded. "I won't. Starr didn't treat me different when I told her about my scars, so I wont treat her different."

I saw a spark of curiosity in the depths on Magnus's eyes. "Good."

I hung out with Magnus for the rest of the day. I helped him with the things he had to do around camp. He mostly had to take inventory and make sure people had what they needed. He told me that he doesn't go on missions, he just organizes them. He likes having an 'office' job. I honestly thought it was boring and wanted to shoot myself in the face a few times. Magnus was easy to get along with though, which made surviving the day go by faster.

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