Chapter 5

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We pulled up to the busy market. I parked the car on the street side, opened my door and stepped out.

She came over to my side and we began to walk. The market was crowded, people clustered together at stalls looking at the different goods being offered. There were more than fifty stalls and there were even more people.

The sun was high in the sky, shining down on us. The heat was killing me.

I was in a blue and white hoodie with a hat white underneath, black jeans and blue Converses. The sexy, British tourist beside me was in a white tank top with a black cardigan, blue jeans and white flats.

"Where is the Post office?" Dyan asked as she looked around. "I heard it was around here."

"It's a few streets down. Why may I ask do you need to go to the Post office?" I asked as I stepped left avoiding a man.

"Packages sent down are stored there and I sent down the rest of my clothes there so, much cheaper," she replied as we walked past a stall full of oranges.

"Ha, I was wondering how you only had one bag; typical girls have about three and a carry-on. And also your fiancé is rich why worry about money?" I wondered as I looked back at her.

She held her head down and frowned. "I don't like depending on people. I paid for my ticket and anything I need. Being bought clothes and those stuffs are okay unless he overdoes it. I don't like being treated like a baby."

I nodded my head. "I like that in a girl."

I looked at her as a small smile appeared on her lips. "Are you implying that you like me, Green eyes?"

I laughed. "Oh is that the nickname you came up for me?" I asked changing the subject.

"I'm still working on it, I also had Jeffrey as one," she smiled.

"I am not a being nicknamed as an old Butler from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," I said as I glared at her.

We turned into an alley.

"You watched that?" she asked as I faced her.

"Yeah, who doesn't?"

I began to sing, moving my hands like those rappers and bobbing my head.

"Now this is a story all about how my life got twisted upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you all about how I became the prince of Bel air," I grinned.

She laughed. "That was so cute. I wish I recorded it! You were like. This and that," she said repeating my actions.

I laughed with her and soon people were looking at us as if we were mad. She had the cutest laugh, she snorted a bit but it was just cute.

She was different, fun, flirty, a child at heart and independent.

How was she hitched to a leech like Nicalus? He had a stick stuck up his ass, lived on his funds for research, he was a man whore and I am sure his heart is dead; it must be stink by now. Decaying.

Her cheeks looked revived and her eyes sparkling. She looked beautiful. A strand of hair fell from her messy bun and she tucked it behind her hair.

"Well, let's move," she said and I nodded.

We made our way to the stall selling fish, bought the required fish and amount. Then we made our way to the Post office.

I looked behind us, I had an odd feeling in my gut that someone was watching us.

As I looked, I saw a man in a black T-shirt and Yankee's cap.

He was following us, he had been behind us when we entered and he was behind us now. I grabbed Dylan's hand, speeding up and pulled her into an alley. I had a minute before he would follow.

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