Chapter 14

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I stared at the man, my body stationary and a pissed look on my face.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asked with a slight German accent.

He was tall - and I mean really tall- with blonde hair, a thick body built and hazel eyes.

"I'm Tyler, sup man?" I said extending a hand.

He eyed me suspiciously as if saying don't you see this fucking gun at your head?

"What do you want?" he asked sternly.

"I'm here to talk to Jimmy, man. He has something for me," I said in the best surfer accent I could do.

"Jimmy? What did he tell you?" he asked raising a brow.

"Yah know, meet me here and to say some secret phrase. Personally, I don't know what the hell that means."

He pulled back the gun, tucking it in his waistband and gave a grim smile. "Spin around."

I did as he said and he started to pat me down.

"Hey, move yah hands off my ass bro."

He grumbled as he turned me around and did the same.

"Done harassing my body?" I asked.

Ha! Feeling what you could only hope to achieve.

He looked at me unamused and motioned with his head for me to enter. I stepped past him and walked in.

The room was small, had a green fluorescent blue hanging from the ceiling and there was a metal table in the centre. The grey walls were mucky and looked brown. Behind the table was a man with cold green eyes, blond hair and a hard face. He could be Nicalus' twin.

I stood in front of the table looking at him with blondie #2 behind me. He eyed me up and down, his lips in a grim line.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I'm here to see Jimmy," I replied.


"I need some info on someone," I kept eye contact with him and he held mine.

"On who?"

"I'll tell him when I see him," I replied bluntly.

He looked at me with his killer eyes. Tapping the table, he gave a humourless laugh and cocked a brow.

"Do you know where you are boy?" he asked. "You're in my shop, surrounded by my employees and to sum it up in my house... and in my house you play by rules, so if I ask you a question you answer. Now let's try again, who do you request the info on?"

He had a Joker smile on his face as he stared at me.

"I'll tell him when I see him."

Blondie #2 came towards me but the other guy held up his hand and blondie stopped. He pushed his chair away from the table and walked around to me. His shoes tapped on the floor as he approached me, he was in a black suit minus the jacket and he looked like a predator ready to kill.

He stopped in front of my face, looked up into my eyes - he was like five inches shorter than me - and spoke slowly.

"Who do you want information on?"

Damn, he needs a mint...

"I'll tell Jimmy when I see him."

He looked at me amused, he looked like he was enjoying this. He gave a chuckle shaking his head and I spot his right hand moving to his right side. He grinned as he gripped something and it came to me... a gun.

He pulled it out in a swift motion and I grabbed his hand twisting it. I kicked his leg and swung my foot back landing in Blondie's crotch, earning groans of pain from both. I raised his right hand, turning my back to him and lodged my elbow in his stomach. He released the gun and staggered back.

I swung my fist knocking out blondie, I shook my hand as I did.

His face is as tough as a fucking wall.

I spun around as I heard a shuffle and I came gun to gun with the other guy. He stared at me, breathing heavily and cracked a smile. I kept my face expressionless.

Suddenly laughter filled the room. "Damn Ty you're as good as before dude, long time no see."

I cracked a smile, a small one.

"I told you to stop acting like the boss Jimmy, I get fucked off easily," I replied. "Especially when a moron is trying to rule me."

We dropped our guns - I tucked mine in my pants' waist - and Jim patted me on the back as he came over to me.

"Says you but I think it fits me... and moron am I? So why come to the moron for info? Also, next time take it easy on Van he's new," he gestured to an unconscious blondie.

I chuckled. "Noted and I didn't come to you I came for Ally. So as I was saying I need some information."

He patted my back once more before walking off. "Follow me, Ally's in the back."

"What about Blondie?"

"Leave him, he'll wake up soon."

I shrugged and followed Jimmy. He walked towards a door behind his chair, opened it and walked in.

We entered a dark room stocked with electronics. There were about five monitors on the wall, three different keyboards, the table they were on was semi-circular and there was one chair in the centre.

He took his seat pushed towards the middle keyboard and logged into the system. A blue screen appeared on all five monitors but it soon turned greenish-black.

Welcome, Jimmy appeared on the screen.

"Good day Ally," he said as he turned to me. "Who are you looking for?"

Ally was a multibillion operating program, she could track down anyone whether it was by DNA, a blurry photo, voice recording etc. She was created to tap into the police records, telephone records, or any other record needed to identify that person.

How Jimmy got her is a mystery but after I was sent to take him down, we got a friendship going and the agency decided to keep him out in the field instead of arresting him. They said that he could feed us info and with Ally it was more efficient because he was the only person who knew the configuration codes, to operate it.

The geeks at the agency had tried to take over Ally but she was more advanced.

I rubbed my fist as I stood there looking at the monitors. "Can she hear me?"

He nodded... Well here goes nothing.

"Hi Ally, the person I want you to look up goes by the name Dyan Ryder."

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