Chapter 28

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I stood in front of Alberstein Mansion awaiting the return of Nicalus. Other maids and paid workers stood beside me, looking like they wanted to be anywhere but here.

Regardless, they had to for this was something Nicalus placed in our contract: After a long absence from the mansion, all staff should await his return in front of the mansion, as if he's some fucking prince.

I detested it but here I am dressed in my butler uniform, thick gloves, a scarf, hair slicked back and my shoes spic and span.

The cold winter air had forced us to wear coats and thick gloves; I however didn't wear the former. I actually enjoyed the cold. It reminded me of what my life was going to be like. Empty and well... cold.

The front door opened and I glanced back watching as Dyan stepped out onto the recently shovelled steps. She was in a red coat, black hat with flaps and matching black gloves and boots.

A cold wind swept a few strands from her face and her lips trembled in discomfort.

After finding a reasonable place to stand, her eyes swept the crowd before landing on me. My eyes held hers and I felt the longing and want settled on my chest. Her face is puffy and her eyes seem red, she has been crying. The guilt set in and I wanted nothing than to scoop her in my arms and make that sad look slip off her beautiful face.

It was only last night I had her in my arms, laughing, smiling and even threatening me but not once did she cry. I had come to learn I really hate when she cries.

It was not long before the crunching of asphalt grabbed our attention and she looked away from me and towards the Ford Explorer pulling up the driveway.

The sleek vehicle pulled to a stop in front of the mansion's steps and I watched Dyan step forward with a smile, her lips faltered as she tried to keep it up and instead settled to twerk of the lips.

Nicalus emerged in an expensive blue suit, the cold winds engulfing him. His hair was shorter and he had a trimmed goatee.

He smiled as he saw Dyan and moved forward to engulf her in a hug. She accepted, naturally, and that was when he decided to cover her mouth with his and grab a chunk of her fine ass.

I looked away instantly, the sight was disgusting, utterly gut retching.

"You okay there, br-Troy," Felly's voice asked softly as she moved to stand beside me.

"Just peachy," I mumbled with clenched jaws and fists.

I looked over briefly glimpsing her grey maid uniform and brown strands in a high ponytail. She was wrapped in a short brown hoodie, brown gloves on her hands and one of mom's knotted brown scarves.

"They've stopped devouring each other now," she piped up placing her hand on my clenched fist. "Relax, she wasn't yours to begin with... It's time to get your head back in the game, you had your fun with her-"

I whipped my hand away from her and pinned her with a narrowed gaze that shuts her up instantly, her lips parted in surprise at the emotions that one look depicted.

"You weren't playing, were you? You actually cared about her..." she whispered in disbelief, eyes wide.

I looked away from her and onto Dyan who was tucked against Nicalus as he spoke to the Mansion's overseer, also the head butler. She looked chilled to the bone, her body was trembling and it was clear she needed to step inside.

Her eyes move lazily from Greg, the head butler and onto me. Those eyes hold mine, a sense of longingness wrapping around us, threatening to strangle us.

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