Chapter 20

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I crawled up the stairs watching my back. The maids were on the other side of the mansion cleaning the guest rooms for Nicalus' Christmas guests but one could be lurking here.

Silently I slipped across the hall. I stopped at the office door and slipped in quickly. The door was always open and that surprised me usually the offices of scientists were locked to ensure no one troubled any information on an experiment but Nicalus' wasn't.

Was there nothing to hide or was this a hide in plain sight kind of thing?

I flipped on the light switch illuminating the room. The only window in the room was locked and the shutters were closed so the bulb was the only light in here.

I scurried over to Nicalus's desk and started to rummage through his files ensuring I place them as they were before. After searching his desk I found nothing on Dyan nor Richards. I moved to his cabinets and searched his employee list.

Minutes later I find a file entitled Dyan Ryder. I placed it on the top of the cabinet and searched for Richards next. His file was harder to find, it was laid flat beneath all the other vertical ones. It was hidden.

Something clicked in my mind and I looked through Dyan's.

Dyan Ryder

Age: 20 years old

Date of birth: July 24, 2021

It went on to talk about her qualifications and schooling but that was it. I looked over Richards comparing it to Dyan's and found something odd. Richards's own went into detail about his background, family life, health, records and nationality.

Dyan's file was lacking... why?

I searched the rest of the cabinets looking for any other hidden files maybe for Dyan but came up empty.

"If I was Nicalus where would I put sensitive information?" I queried as my eyes drifted over to the computer. "Bingo, always the computer."

I slid over to the chair taking a seat and flipped up his laptop. I turned it on to come face to face with a password system. As expected.

I picked up my phone and rung the agency. All my gadgets were protected and coded. So I could make secure contact with my boss.

"Mrs. Hull's office. You're speaking with her assistant Ms–"

"Ostrich," I finished with a rueful smile.

I heard her huff over the phone and I could sense her rolling her eyes at me.

"Animal," she muttered. "Why are you calling?"

"I've told you before Ostrich I only fuck like an animal. No need to bring that up during work hours," I stated.

She grunted. "I said what do you want?"

"No well, actually you said why was I calling–" she growled and I chuckled. "My reason for calling Ostrich is because I need the help of a tech geek to crack a code."

She hummed and her fingers tapping a keyboard could be heard then a bing. "I'm patching you over to Scott."

"Yeah, bye Zebra-ass."

She cursed me and a few minutes later, Scott came onto the phone. I explained my situation and he directed me on what to do. I slid down a button built into the phone and a USB drive slipped out.

I connected the device to the computer and I watched the phone screen light up with a command-line interface as Scott connected with it.

He was using a wireless connection to access the phone and send codes into the computer to crack its code.

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