Chapter 17

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"Tell me what you see," whispered Dyan as she pointed at the sky.

I shuffled so her head rested against my chest and I played in her hair. I let out a huff and looked up.

The sky was starry, the little ball of gases lit up the sky with their pale blue glow. The moon was crescent but it still shone brightly battling the glow of the stars. There were a few idle clouds in there, scrawny and dispersing into the night sky.

"I see stars," I replied flatly. "And a moon and idle clouds."

She playfully hit my chest and I tense. I chuckled at her little attempt of hitting me, it felt like being hit by a phone. It stung but for a minute and trust me I knew the feeling. Those little hit and ditch didn't take me sneaking out easy and thus they flung anything they could find at me.

"Not like that stupid," she teased. "The constellations. Tell me what the stars look like."

I looked up again and studied the stars; they just looked scattered to me with no uniformity at all. I squinted my eyes to see if I could spot just one. Look what this girl has me doing, trying to be fucking Einstein by finding something uniform in this playpen of stars.

"Ah, why don't you go first?" I asked as I grabbed her hand intertwined our fingers.

We were on the balcony basking in the stars' and moon's glow. We were huddled up on a white, fluffy blanket with one pillow at our heads.

This was a bit romantic if you liked these things. It was her idea and I agreed, I couldn't say no to her pouty face.

"I see a heart," she squealed like a little child.

She showed me and to be honest I didn't see shit. "Oh, there it is."

"Your turn Troy," she stated as she ran her hands over my bare chest. That was a very distracting action.

I looked up and sighed. Guess I just have to wing it. "I see a bunny."

She looked up excitedly. "Where?"

I mentally swore, should have actually looked for something. I pointed to a cluster of stars and she gazed at them curiously.

"Look somewhere in there," I said.

She leaned back on my chest and smiled. "You're lying."

I smiled nervously. "I see bunnies in your eyes."

What the fuck did I just say?

"You're not enjoying this are you?" she asked staring into my eyes.

I shook my head. "Nope, all I see are clusters," I said popping the 'p'.

She giggled and I looked at her in admiration. I reached down and pecked her lips. She smiled against my lips and kissed me harder. I raised my hand to her face, cupping her cheeks and moan at the feeling of her soft lips on mine.

She moved onto my waist and her hands on my chest. We kissed, pulled away and reconnected again. Our tongues playfully fighting, it was a blissful feeling. She moaned probably feeling my arousal; I held her waist as she grinded on me.

A knock came from the door and we froze.

"Miss Ryder?"

It was Thelma. What was she doing here so late?

Dyan swore and hopped off me. I got up and stepped behind the wall at the balcony door.

"Coming," she yelled.

She took up the sheets and pillow. 'Stay here and be quiet' she mouthed. I nodded and gestured for her to go in.

I hid and eavesdropped on their conversation as Thelma came in.

"Here are your pills."

"Thank you," Dyan replied.

"Mr. Alberstein says you must remember to say away from water for five minutes after taking them," Thelma said.

"I remember," there was an awkward silence. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"I'm supposed to wait until you have swallowed the two pills to leave."

I heard Dyan sigh and the popping of a lid. The pills rattled and then it went silent.

"There, you may leave now," Dyan said a bit irritated.

"Of course ma'am but a word of advice," Thelma said. "Stay away from Troy he's no good. He's not the type of person you think he is."

"Okay..." Dyan replied shakily.

The door closed and Dyan opened the balcony door stepping out.

"You have to leave," she said as she hugged herself to keep warm.

"Is it because of what Thelma said?" I asked with concern. "She is just upset that I ended things with her."

"Please just go," she was avoiding eye contact with me and she was shivering.

I moved close to her and she stepped back.

"Dyan I'm not going t-"

My sentence was cut short as I reached forward to catch Dyan as she fell.

"Dyan?" I gently slapped her cheek and she mumbled something about the bed.

I took her up bridal style and walked her into the room, placing her on the bed.

"Thanks," she mumbled as I placed her down.

I was about to walk away when she held my hand. "Don't leave."

"I'm just going to turn off the lights," I stated.

After doing that, I climbed into her bed and she cuddled me. It felt nice to have her in my arms, her warmth merging with mine and her legs entangled with mine. I stared at her exposed legs and smiled. My staring was however cut short by Dyan.

"My mom would be so proud of me," she said out of the blue.

"Why?" I asked a bewildered look on my face.

"Because of what I'm doing," she giggled. She sounded like a drunk person. "I grew up on the streets with my mom, moving every time someone noticed we were housing in their old dog house or shed. Mom was ill and she was running behind on bills that's why we ended up on the streets but through that, she always tried to send me to school. She said I was going to accomplish something big in life and make her proud," She sighed.

"After a while, Mom finally got a good job after a few months of struggling and that's when it happened. She couldn't cope anymore, the cancer took over and she died in her sleep. Leaving me behind. We didn't have money for treatment and frankly, mom didn't care. She wasn't afraid of death. What she failed to notice was that dying meant leaving me alone."

I wiped the tears from her cheeks. She mumbled again and it dawned on me that she was drugged or drowsy. Probably from those pills Thelma gave her. What were they anyway?

"It was foster home to foster home until they found me," she released a sob - laugh. "...and that's that."

She yawned and soon I heard snores. I smiled at her and held her closer to my body. She was so confusing. How could marrying Nicalus be her accomplishment? The guy was a dick.

He didn't deserve her, not that I did but she deserved better. Her life was hard already why couldn't she just get a good guy to settle down with other than that prick?

Her snores filled my ears and I smiled.

She made snoring cute.

I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Dyan."

I may not be the guy she deserved but I could be the one to make her happy for as long as I can.

Damn, I'm whipped!

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