Chapter 3

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Kaito's POV

So, the three of us entered the mall. I was decided to change my standing place from behind Shin-chan to beside him on his left side. But one certain lady got there first and I ended up standing next to her insted. Ran just innocently smiled at Shinichi. But as the mentioned detective turned away from her for a moment she turned to me and glared at me. Her face was clearly saying 'Back off! He's mine!'

Of course I returned the glare. After all, she already knew my feelings for Tantei-kun so way not go all out in the battle for him.

'Well, no matter what she was already recected. Kind of. Almost... I hope.' I thought for myself. 'After all, he didn't tell her about his time as Conan. He decided to keep it a secret to not hurt her anymore. So it means that she doesn't know his secret and I do. Well at least Kid knows... But it's the same, almost. Like that I have more chances to win his love.'

Well, then it came down to Shin-chan and love, he was always way more dense then needed. I mean, he didn't  realize for all year what that little scientist had a crush on him. Not until she went and said it straight to his face.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Ran and Shin-chan were talking about what should we do next. After I was done having all arguments with myself, I noticed that the other two were looking at me.

"So, where do you want to go?" Asked Shinichi. "It' only 11:45. It's little early for lunch."

"When maybe some bowling?" I suggested.

"Ok with me. What about you, Ran?" The great Detective now looked at the karate champion.

"I don't mind eighter." She said with a smile.

And the three of us went towards the elevator leading to our destination.

When we got there, the place wasn't overflowing with people. To tell the truth, it was quite deserted. We booked a track. We changed our shoes, and started playing. As we played we ordered some drinks to refresh ourselves.

Then the game ended, the winner was obviously Ran who ended the game with 299 points (She almost had a perfect game). I scored 200 points and Shin-chan 199 points. I and Tantei-kun were tied for almost all game.

During the time we played neither I nor Ran made any moves on Shinichi. Maybe we were probably to obsesed with game, or were just happy seeing our loved one having fun.

Afterwards we headed to restaurant to grab a bite 'cause ours stomachs were killing us. We decided to eat at pizzeria. We ordered a large size pizza, one chocolate milkshake, one cup of black coffe without milk and one glass of coca-cola.

As suspected, Shinichi only ate 2 pieces "You should really eat more. You didn't even eat breakfast right?" I said.

"I don't want to... and it's not true. I did have breakfast. I drank a cup of coffe." Shin-chan replied.

"Coffe isn't food!" Both Ran and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and tured away. I think Tantei-kun found it funny because when I looked at him he was trying to suspend his laugh a hard as possible. 'What's so fun about it?' Ran also noticed Shinichi's smile and tured to face him.

"I didn't know you guys got along so well. I'm surprised." He declared. "And here I thought that you guys would pick a fightwith each other or something. I'm glad."

"Well, Shin-chan's friends are mine friends." I said. "I'm happy to see you having fun. You are always obsessed with cases and such so it's very nice to see you here hanging out with us."

"I see." Said Moderndays Holmes. For a minutet I could see a little blush on Tantei-kun's face. His face lit up bright red and turned away from me.

Later on, we paid and went towards the exit to head home. Shinichi said that he has to buy something and asked us to wait. "I'll be quick."

When he left Ran spoke up "I guess I have no chances, huh. After coming back, he never laught or blushed for me even once." As she said that, I could see tears pilling up in the corners of her eyes. "Take a good care of him for me, okey?"

"Yeah, I promise to do so."

After that Ran left. When Shin-chan came back I said that she had some business so she left. Like that the two of us headed towards the Kudo's mansion. Shinichi suggested to stay over the night. While suggesting, his cheeks were blushing slightly althought most of it was hidden under the darkness of the evening.

First I spent all day with Shin-chan. Second I got approved by Ran. Third I was invited to stay the night for the first time. And lastly, I made Tantei-kun fall for me a little bit(Making him blush counts, right?) 'I wish the next day goes as well as this one.'



I feel like I screwed up this one... I just don't feel satisfied with this chapter. And I think Ran was Out of Character...

Please tell me your thoughts of my story, should I continue it? I don't mind criticism.

Bye and until next time.

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