Chapter two

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Jack's POV

Elsa was acting really weird. She kept asking if I had a girlfriend, no matter how many times I told her no.

There's no way she could no about Emily. I hadn't told anyone about our engagement.

Emily was my fiancé. I proposed to her the months before, after we had been together for 2 years. When she said yes, I thought my life was complete. I imagined us growing old together, having kids. She was so gorgeous, and sweet. I was going to invite Elsa to the wedding, but I didn't know how to tell her that I was with someone else.

"Well what about you? Do you have a new special guy in your life?" I asked.

"No. I've been single for years." She pouted, and I gave her a sympathetic look. She stirred her coffee slowly, and stared at it.

I suddenly felt really guilty, I hadn't been honest with her about Emily, so I decided to tell her.

"Elsa...." I trailed off, the thought of telling her about Emily scared me, in case she hated me for lying to her.

"Jack?" She echoed, I could sense worry in her voice.

"I haven't been completely honest with you." I took a breath.

"W...what do you mean?" She said.

"I am seeing someone," her eyes widened. "In fact....I'm......engaged." I smiled. She blinked.

"What? W-Why would you lie about that?" She sounded irritated.

"I didn't know how you'd react."

"That doesn't mean you hide this from me," Her voice was calm, but I knew she was mad. "If your excuse really is, you didn't know how I'd react, then there's only one way to find out, isn't there?"

"Sorry, it's just-"

"What? Do you think I'm a crazy ex like Hiccup was to me? Do you think I'm going to try to kill her or ruin her life?" She started raising her voice slightly.

"No, of course not!" I reached for her hands, but she snatched them away.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to yell," She lowered her voice and stared at the coffee. "It's just a surprise that's all."

"It's okay. I really should've just told you."

"Who is she?"

"Her name's Emily. She's very pretty and so kind. You'll love her." I showed her a picture of Emily. She smiled, but she looked bothered. Then she mumbled something under her breath, but I didn't hear her.

"Huh?" I asked, gesturing her to repeat what she mumbled.

"I saw her on the snapchat you sent me. I think she was wearing your shirt and cap." She told me. I opened my mouth to say something, but I was interrupted by a high pitched squeal.

"Ohmigosh!" I looked over my shoulder and saw a man running towards our table.

"Elsa Arendelle!!" He screamed when he reached the table. I glanced over at Elsa with a confused look. She smiled at the man.

"I'm a huge fan of your songs! Your so much prettier up close! And your such a good singer!" The man rambled.


Crazy in love | Jelsa Fanfiction | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now