Chapter twelve

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Remember, Elsa doesn't believe in Jack because it's an alternate universe where the Elsa who doesn't believe in Jack is not the real Elsa. And Merida's story is finished, even though I didn't write about the end or even about her mom turning into a bear, but let's pretend it's all happened. Right now, we are at the ending of Rise Of The Guardians. I'm sorry if this is confusing :( I mean, it will be confusing unless you've seen ROTG, Frozen, Brave, Tangled and HTTYD.

Jack's POV

Anna sat at the window ledge of North's workshop and peered out. I sighed and walked over to her, swinging my staff casually as I did. Leaning on the staff, I smiled sympathetically at her, but she didn't notice I was there so I pretended to clear my throat. Anna glanced up at me, tears streaming down her cheeks and her mascara smudged.
"Hey!" I said, sitting next to her. "Don't worry Anna." She slid over next to me and I put an arm around her.
"I miss them so much." She whispered.
"Anna, your parents would be so proud of you and Elsa." I comforted her.
"They were just coming home. A couple more hours and they would still be here."
"I know." I squeezed her close to me.
"I'll be okay though. When we find Elsa." She smiled.

North walked in with some elves wrestling eachother.
"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," his loud Russian accent filled the room. "But, what makes you think Elsa is still alive?" Anna glared at him menacingly.
"Excuse me?" She shuffled out of my hug.
"It's just that...well, after everything you told me about her going missing and the blood and stuff, I find it very hard to believe that she may still be alive."
"But we all saw her when we were competing our story. When we were defeating our enemy and solving our problem, she was there, and you both saw her!" Anna glanced at me meaningfully.
"That wasn't the real Elsa, though. She was some sort of alternative Elsa that Pitch invented."
"She certainly seemed real."
"That's what Pitch was trying to do, make her seem real."
"Only one way to find out." Bunnymund hopped in.
"What's that?" Tooth flew beside Bunny.

"Have you all been eavesdropping?" I asked. The guardians shared guilty looks at eachother and I rolled my eyes.
"It doesn't matter, mate. We're going to help you find your girlfriend." I turned red, and Bunny's expression stayed serious and unreadable, but Anna's was extremely obvious. She smiled sheepishly at me, one eyebrow raised.
"Oh Anna, have you been crying? You poor thing!" Rapunzel said as she, Merida and Hiccup entered the room. Tooth got a box of tissues and handed them to Anna. She gratefully took one and wiped away the smudges around her eyes.
"Huh. Some Christmas Eve." Bunny scoffed.

"Jack, are you and Elsa back together?" Tooth asked, looking a little worried.
"No," I glared at Bunny. "I'm engaged, remember?"
"To who?" Bunny smirked.
"Emily Bennett." I replied. Tooth sighed, her wings drooped a little.
"And has Elsa got a boyfriend?" Bunny hopped a bit closer.
"No," Rapunzel butt in. "But a few days ago she would not stop talking about some guy she met at the bar the night before she went missing. I forgot his name though."

My mind flashed back to that night at the bar. The night Elsa got drunk. The night I took her home. The night that she....the night that I... It doesn't matter.

But there was a guy that she was talking to. He was a bartender there. He was flirting with her. Ugh, God. I wish he would have just gone away. He was obviously into Elsa.

Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not jealous... Am I?

"Toby?" I said eventually. Everyone glanced at me.
"Yeah." Rapunzel said.
"Dammit." Bunny sighed.
"Do you have a crush on Elsa?" Hiccup said to Bunny.
"Well done, Sherlock." Merida patted his shoulder. The room was suddenly filled with darkness, like a huge shadow was caving over it. I looked outside the window but instead of snow, I could only see blackness.

"Pitch?" Tooth whimpered as I tightened the grip on my staff. Suddenly, Pitch appeared at the doorway.
"So," He grinned. "Have you all defeated your enemies? Merida?" Merida stood up straight and glared at him.
"Aye. Mor 'du is dead now."

Pitch turned to Hiccup.
"Draco Bludvist is dead too. He drowned."

The boogeyman nodded approvingly and glanced at Rapunzel.
"Mother—Gothel fell out of my tower. She's long gone."

Anna was the next one to get a stare from Pitch.
"Hans was sent back to the Southern Isles. The duke of Weasel-town was too. And Marshmallow now lives a happy life in alternative Elsa's castle."

Pitch walked slowly over to me.
"And what about you, Jack Frost? Does anyone believe in you yet?"

I clenched my fists and looked away. The huge globe held millions of lights. All of them eager children who believe in the guardians. Not one of them however, believed in me. No matter what I do. No matter what I say. No one ever sees me. I thought.

"Back off Pitch." Merida snapped.
"Oh. Look at you five. All best buddies. If I'm right, you only started hanging around with Jack, Anna, Rapunzel and Hiccup 3 days ago, isn't that correct, Merida?" Pitch snarled.
"Aye, so what?" 
"Well I think it's just strange how close you have all become within the space of 3 days. Almost like love at first sight." He moved his glare to Hiccup, who blushed when Merida also raised an eyebrow at him.
"What are you talking about?" Merida asked Pitch. Pitch painted an evil grin on his face.
"Didn't you guess? The clumsy dragon trainer over there, has fallen in love with you."

"How would you know something like that?" I butted in. I knew it was true though, since Hiccup admitted it.
"It's the one thing I always know. People's greatest fears. One of Hiccup's is that Merida won't accept him because she doesn't want love. Another is that all of you will never like him because of his past. Especially you, Jack. He knows you'll never accept him. Even though it wasn't his fault he did all of those things. But you still refuse to forgive him. Even though Elsa did."

"So Elsa really did forgive him? After everything she went through?" I whispered to myself.
"Oh yes. Poor, innocent, sweet, stupid Elsa." Pitch muttered.
"Stupid?!" Anna and Punzie yelled in unison.
"She's willing to forgive anyone no matter what they do. That's why she's stupid." He walked to the bookshelf. "She's pretty though. Extremely pretty if I may add. But very dumb and clueless. Easy to control and hurt."
"Don't talk about her like that!" I yelled.
"You know where she is, don't you?" Rapunzel asked, tucking her short, brown hair away.
"Course I do!"
"C—could you show me?" Anna stepped forward.

Pitch shrugged, and waved his left hand, creating an image of Elsa walking in a snow storm, looking frightened. I glanced outside of the window, and saw a snowstorm similar to the one in Pitch's image.
"Oh my Walt!" Rapunzel gasped, pointing out of the window. We all peered out, including the 4 guardians. We saw a platinum haired girl, trudging through the deep blanket of glittering snow, looking all around her desperately.
"Elsa!" I exhaled, flying out of the window and down to see her. I stood behind her and called her name again. She turned around to face me, and a smile crept across her face as she ran over to me.
As I pulled her into a hug, everyone else came rushing down, except Pitch. They stood a distance away, shocked and overwhelmed. I broke the hug with Elsa, and looked at her.

"Don't you want to see Anna and Rapunzel?" I asked. She shook her head.
"No Jack, I just want to be with you." She hugged me again but tighter this time. I could tell something was up. I tried to break free from her grasp but she wouldn't let me. She held on tighter.
"Elsa, what's going on?" I questioned.
"I need to tell you a secret." She whispered.
"I'm not Elsa..."  She giggled and tightened her grip even more while I struggled to peel her off me. Up at the window of the workshop, I saw Pitch aiming a black arrow at me. And I wasn't the only one.

"Jack! Look out!" Hiccup shouted from behind me. 'Elsa' finally let go of me and stepped away, looking at Pitch. I stood still, confused. I turned around to see Hiccup running towards me at a fast speed. Pitch let go of the arrow.
"What are you-" I was interrupted by Hiccup strongly pushing me over. I fell to the ground and quickly tilted my head up. Pitch's black arrow struck Hiccup in his stomach.
"NO!" I screamed.

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