The Country and Crash

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Taylor's POV

"Get up Tay." Bri said as she yelled and pulled the covers off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I waited till I was fully awake to get up. Brianna grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs, breakfast was on the table. Mom was running around grabbing some food, games and other stuff.  I sat down beside Bri as we ate.

"Where are we going?" I asked. She smiled

"Where going out to the country and maybe head up to Windrixville." Bri said as she shoveled her cereal down. She's in a hurry. I grabbed her arm before she left, she turned towards me.

"Happy 18th birthday Bri!" I said with a smile.  She smiled and hugged me.

"Thanks Tay!" Bri said. " Come one lets get dressed and help mom load the truck." Bri continued. We walked upstairs and went into our rooms, got changed and ran down stairs.

"Look good Bri." I said. She was wearing shorts, a black tank top with the beatles, her black leather jacket and white converses. Her hair was nice too, she had a bandana she put in it and tied it at the top with a bow.

"Thanks! You look good too!" Bri said. I was wearing shorts, a white tank top, my leather jacket and black converses, and my hair was just combed.

"Thanks!" I said. We gathered some stuff around and walked outside. Mom walked in and got dressed, she was in pjays still. We giggled and threw the stuff in the back.  I was jumped on the hood of the truck and Bri leaned against the side of the truck as we talked for awhile. We were interrupted by the gang, they were walking down the street. They came up to us and stopped, they looked confused.

"Why do you have stuff in the truck and packed up?" Soda asked.

"Are you moving!" Steve yelled, Soda slapped upside the head.

"No were not moving." I said. Pony had a 'phew' face and looked relieved, he walked over to me and stood between my legs that were dangling over the side of the hood. Johnny came and sat beside me.

"It's my birthday, were going to the country and maybe Windrixville. " Bri said.They nodded.

"Ah! Interesting, how old are you?" Two asked.

"18 today." Bri said. 

"Happy birthday Bri!" Soda said and gave her a hug, she hugged him back. Two, Pony and Johnny each gave her a hug and said happy birthday. Dally and Steve just stood there. Bri walked over to them, and started talking, Soda followed. Pony, Johnny and I are now all talking between each other.

"Be safe Tay." Pony said. Johnny nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry I will." I said.  They smiled and we just talked about what ever. Mom walked out and this time she was dressed and not in pjays. She walked up to the truck, threw the keys on the seat.

"I'll be right back then we will leave." Mom said. Bri and I nodded. She walked back inside. Pony jumped off the hood and Johnny followed.

" Be safe, see you later when you come back." Pony said. I hugged him.

"Thanks Pony, I'll be safe and I'll come see you later." I said. He nodded and hugged me. I looked over at Johnny, he looked left out.

"Johnny come join us." I said. He walked over and the three of us hugged. We smiled and laughed.  We let go of each other and went to the others. They were saying bye to Bri, Soda and Bri hugged before she left and walked over to me.

"Awww... what's this about." Two said, as he pointed to Bri and Soda hugging while saying bye.

"Don't ruin the moment." I said and slapped Two upside the head. He piped down and walked over to Dally. Soda and Bri let go from their hug. Mom walked out and got in.

"Come one girls." She said.

"Coming!" I said as Tay followed me. We walked over to the truck and got in, I sat behind Bri. The guys backed up and walked the other way, Pony stopped and waved. I waved and we left the drive way. We started on way down the road. We turned the radio on and listened to music, Bri and I were singing like crazy. We danced around in our chairs as we sang to the song. Bri stopped after awhile and fell asleep. I stayed awake the whole time and looked out the window, the country looked so beautiful. Mom was slowing down as we reached the country. She pulled over on a dirt road and stopped the truck.

We hopped out and  went to the back of the truck. I grabbed the frisbee and ball, and the food. Bri grabbed a blanket for the grass and carried some water bottles and coke. Mom sat down and we all talked for awhile. Bri got up and grabbed the frisbee, mom and I got up as well and we placed ourselves in a triangle. We threw or passed the frisbee back and forth. We eventually got tierd of playing frisbee, I sat down in the grass and drank a coke, mom was reading a book and Bri walked beside me and sat down. She had a coke in her hand, and sandwiches on the other.  She passed me one and we bought took a bite out of it. It was around 3 in the afternoon. Were gonna leave soon so we can have supper and cake at home, mom said the guys can come over too.

"Were gonna take pictures first before we leave." Mom said. We nodded and she took some pictures of us. She was in a few, but then the camera died on us. She put it in the back seat of the truck and walked over to us.

"Girls were gonna leave." Mom said. We got up and packed the stuff up and got in the truck. We started driving on the main road. It wasn't too busy but there was still cars and trucks. We've been driving for awhile now, it's getting dark out but we can still see. I was starting to fall asleep.

"MOM LOOK OUT!" Bri yelled. I shot up and saw a truck swirving on the road. Before  mom could turn the wheel or slow down, the truck hit us and instantly we were knocked back a bit, I hit my head off of something and went unconcious for  bit.  I  woke up and was now conscious and took my seat belt off. It was hard to move because the whole driver side was smushed into the back seat. My leg was squished inbetween the two seats, I couldn't get my leg out. I pulled on my leg and was able to get it free from the chairs. I had cuts all over me from the windshield and windows that broke. My head is hurting like crazy and my arm had a gash on it from the window and caught between Bri seats.

With my other arm, I looked around and saw that Bri wasn't there. I was now terrified, I yelled Bri and heard someone. I open what was left of the door and pushed Bri seat out of the ay so my arm was free. I went to my mom's side of the car, as I limped over there, I saw the driver from the other truck dead. He had beer and cigarettes in the cup holder beside him and a bottle in his hand. I looked over at my mom, she looked lifeless. I shook her so she would wake up, I then yelled for help. I heard Bri, but couldn't see her.

"BRI!" I yelled, I heard a sound and limped to the front of the truck. I saw Bri lying there almost lifeless on the ground. The door to her side of the truck was gone and or barely there anymore. I sat down beside Bri. I looked at her, she had glass shards in her arms and face, her face was badly cut. I tried to wiped the blood, but got glass in my hand. She sat up, and we limped over to the truck. We were trying to yell for help. We saw a guy in the truck beside the guy that hit us. We limped to the door as I could barely stand and neither could Bri. The guy got out, he had a bottle of beer in his hand and something else in the other. He walked up to us, he looked really drunk, he brought his hand closer to us, we tried to back up but he got me. I could barley breath and no energy to get loose.

"Tay watch out!" Bri yelled. I looked and saw he had a blade in his hand. He went to slash me but Bri limped in front of me and got slashed in the side of her stomach. He let go of me, and I fell to the ground beside Bri. I was crying, and yelling for help.  I felt something hit my head and I felt back on the ground on Bri. I blacked out.

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