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"Honey, it's time to wake up!" My Mom said.

"Mphmm." I mumbled into my pillow.

She sighed. "I'll get you Starbucks before school if you get up now."

I sprang out of bed, grinning. I hugged my Mom and she left me to get dressed. After deciding on a blink-182 hoodie, some skinny jeans and my black Vans, I straightened my hair.

I rushed downstairs. I hugged my Dad. "Love you, bye!" I shouted. "Goodbye." Dad said, as I gave him a hug and walked out the door with my Mom.

I got in the car, riding shotgun. I was old enough to drive, and I have my driver's liscense, but I felt too lazy to drive myself today.

I put in Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. I absolutely love that album.

My Chemical Romance was my favorite band. They've saved my life more than once. I'll get into that later, though.

I sang along to I'm Not Okay, Mom occasionally joining in. She accepts the fact I wear a lot of black, listen to bands like MCR, and stuff like that. Which I'm super happy about.

As the song ended, my Mom turned the music down. "Honey, you have an amazing voice. You should put that talent to use, young lady."

I laughed. "Thanks, ma."

I hated my Jersey accent, but sometimes it intimidates people.

I got bored, so I texted my friend Quincy. Or Quinn, as I call her.

To: Quinn:)

Hey! I got Starbucks. Want anything?

I shouldn't have asked her that, knowing she's addicted.

From: Quinn:)

Did you just ask me that question? You should know me by now.

To: Quinn:)

I know. A vanilla latte with extra foam. What does Faith want? The usual caramel frappé?

From: Quinn:)

Yep! See you at our place ;)

By 'our place', she meant the school library, because nobody goes there anymore. Not even the librarian. We go there if we're earlier than everybody else, they always leave it open, especially for before school-care.

It's honestly pretty cool.

To: Quinn:)

Okay. See you there ;)

By the time I was done talking to Quinn, we were there.

I hopped out with my drink in one hand, Quinn and Faith's in the other.

I waved bye to my Mom, and headed towards the library.

I was walking when I bumped into a group of jocks.

I mentally groaned. Blake Presley, Zack Lanick, Chad Young and Mason Green.

All with the IQ of a peanut.

Except Mason. He doesn't really hate me. He just does it because if he doesn't, he would get beat up.

I was pushed to the ground by Blake, the head dickface.

I saved the drinks. But as soon as I got up and sat the drinks down, I had Zack grabbing me by the ear and slinging me back to the ground.

I hit my cheek on the pavement and let out a cry. (A/N: True story bro..)

Megan Chloe Richards (MCR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now