No. No No No No No.

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"For the last time, get up!" Faith yelled.

"I am up! But I'm not out of bed. Aaaand I don't plan on it either so go away." I said.

I sighed.

She wasn't gonna give up. She never gives up at anything. "Well, I give up." She said. I was in shock. "Faith? Give up? Those words don't even sound right in a sentence. You, give up?" Quinn said, walking by.

"Since when were you up?" Faith asked. "Since you were trying to wake Miss I Wanna Sleep For The Rest Of My Life over here." Quinn answered. I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, get the fuck up."

Then it donned on me. "Wait a minute. How the fuck did you get in my house?!" I asked.

"Putting spare keys under the mat is not good, Meg." Faith said.

I facepalmed. "That would be my dad. So fucking cliché." I shake my head.

"Alright, I'll get up."

"Fucking finally!" Faith said. "Shut up." I muttered, getting out of bed. "Someone's not a morning person." Quinn said.

"You've known me for about two years. You should know what the answer is to that question." I stated. I fucking hated the mornings.

Like, a lot.


We were currently pulling up to a breakfast restaurant.

We went inside and I saw Brent. I waved at him. He waved back and as we walked over to a table, I got up and walked to the register after getting the girl's orders. I honestly wasn't that hungry.

I smiled as I saw Brent. "Hey Brent."

"Hey Meg. What's up?" He said, flipping his work hat backwards. "Came to get some food, you?"

"Working," He laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "So, how've you been?" asked Brent, putting the biscuits on a tray, passing it to me.

"I've been good. Very good. I'm hoping I can get accepted in an art school I've been dying to go to. I sent my things in early since my teachers said I was smart and talented enough. They said just finish the year off and if I pass my art class I'm good to go, that's if I get accepted. The results are in today. I hope to god I do. What about you now that I've finished my rambling?" I said shyly, taking the tray.

"Dude that's awesome! I'll be wishing you the best of luck and hoping you get in! And I've been good. Very good," He laughed.

"Awesome. Thanks. Um, I have to go, we're kinda in a rush to get to school. See you around sometime?" I asked. He nodded, smiling. I smirked. I put the tray down and grabbed a Sharpie, writing my number on his hand. "Call me sometime," I said, not waiting for his response.

Holy shit Megan, that was outrageously brave of you. Brain Megan is proud.

I smirked, walking to the car with Faith and Quinn, and of course their food.


When it was just Art left, wait, then English, Quinn and Faith had started packing up as they didn't have this class.

I waved and gave them a hug 'bye' as I sat in the Art room, room 127. There was only five minutes left until class started, so I grabbed my sketch pad.

I started doodling something and didn't really know what.

It looked kinda like... A man, very pale, with a patient gown on. His surroundings was an ashy, dark, torn, ripped, smoky, place.

Megan Chloe Richards (MCR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now