Chapter 6

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Wonder and caution was what he found himself feeling as he walked steadily down the hallway. He could sense the malevolent aura about the place. There was something sinister about the silence as well and as hard as he tried, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was awfully wrong.

The twelve year old boy ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. The expression on his face was peculiar as he was debating  whether  or not he should walk away. He shifted his weight from one foot to another and so very gently, he turned the knob and pushed the heavy door open. The room before him was one he had rarely the honour of walking into and its invitation was usually an indicator of something ominous.


That was the only word he could describe it with. Of course, there was no doubt it was beautiful, but so was the devil in disguise.

The few rays of sunlight that were allowed to penetrate through the thick curtains were forked, and weakly lit the room. The scent was appealing, and so was the woman that sat comfortably on the club chair, smiling widely, her lips a bloody red.

"What do you want?" he spat. The tension he felt could be sensed form a mile away.

The brunette fluttered her lashes. "Now, now dear. That's not very polite."

He sighed, obviously irritated."Why did you call me here?"

The woman's eyes widened as if she was shocked. "Should there really be a reason for me to call you?"

He smirked cruelly. This was a game he had played many times before. "Let's drop the shit where you pretend you're concerned and get to point."

"There is nothing your mother would have done for you that I haven't." The woman defended her case dully, boredom was visible on her face. She pointed to a chair, inviting the boy to sit.

He compelled, the words of defense already at the tip of his tongue. "Yes. You're right Ingird. My father, too, would never have let me see my own mother. He would have kept me prisoner against my will for years, but I can't help but feel that he never would have spent his time plotting my death."

The woman rolled her eyes. "I have  told you so many times that your mother was sick. I wanted to keep you in this mansion for your own safety."

"My mother was never sick. Come up with a better excuse. Besides, she's long gone and you're just putting up this act until the right time for your schemes shows up. And my safety is as far from you as possible." he said with so much venom she flinched.

The petite lady sighed and gesturing with one hand, brought the boy's attention to a goblet in front of him. "Have a drink. You're obviously being temperamental."

He leaned back in the chair, his shoulders felt heavy as he wondered how he was able to live like this for this long.

"It's not poison."the woman informed him.

"Oh, I know. You can't kill me, not yet at least."he smiled bitterly. "I know you would have already if you could, not just me. All six of us."

The woman's gaze turned into a glare as her true face was slowly exposed. "You talk too much for someone who is only twelve."

"The truth stings, doesn't it? Let me tell you one thing Ingrid. You might have Tyler, Michaela, Reece and Sam fooled. Katie's too young to know anything about it, but I see you for the snake you are and as far as my guess goes, our lives are tied to something important, something greater than your hatred for us." He looked around. "Maybe all of this." He said, indicating the huge estate. "Maybe even more."

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