Part 3

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Part 3:

(At the second Maggie came running over to me.)
Maggie: I have been looking for you, cause Hal said you were busy making out with Ben and i wanted to see for myself, if he was telling the truth.
Skylar: Oh he is so skitter meat.
Ben: Making out with me, why would she be...
(He paused then said.)
Ben: That guy...
(I cut him off.)
Skylar: I Should go and well kill someone, excuse me, but what did you need Mags?
Maggie: If your busy, getting your revenge on Hal, i can find someone else?
Skylar: What do you need?
Maggie: We are taking all kids away to be safe, for when they attack, Hal, wants you and Ben to pack your stuff.
Skylar: I'm staying, i can shoot.
Maggie: Hal, said you might say that but he needs you to take care of Matt and Ben, he said you were their baby sitter.
Ben: She wasn't my baby sitter, she was Matt's.
Skylar: Fine.
(2 Days later!!!)
Hal: Maybe we duck into one of these houses?
Skylar: Wait, look how far form the first house all the way to last one on the street?
Lourdes: Your point is?
Skylar: You don't like me do you?
Lourdes: I never said that.
Skylar: Yeah but you act like it.
Hal: You think if we go close to the start of the road, they will find us?
Skylar: Well yeah, pick one smack bang in the middle, and they have to search every one of these house just to find us, but we need to erase our tracks..
Lourdes: What if they are smart like us?
Skylar: Please, they think we are stupid kids, and they underestimate us, we are smarter then they think, besides we are young and they old.
Ben: She has a point, we are fighting to stay alive, and she is right.
Hal: Well, well, Ms Bad Ass welcome back.
Lourdes: Why does he call you that?
(She asked as we continued to walk.)
Skylar: I don't know, but i have known him for a long time.
Skylar: And no, i have never had a crush on him.
Hal: Sure you didn't, i'm way to good looking for you not to have a crush on me, oh yeah no, your right, you didn't have a crush on me, cause oh wait you were crushing....
(I cut him off.)
Skylar: Oh look that house, might be a good fit, right Hal?
(I said giving him a look.)
Hal: Yes, yes it is.
(He said smiling pretty pleased with himself.)
(30 Minutes later.)
Lourdes: The kids are asleep, they will be fine.
Skylar: Matt, wanted me sleep with them.
Hal: You know he loves you right?
Skylar: I waited for him to fall asleep and i slipped out.
(Lourdes saw the piano.)
Hal: You play?
Lourdes: I wouldn't call it playing.
Hal: You know, Sky used to sing.
Skylar: I wouldn't call it singing, but uhh my moms was a good.
Hal: Yeah, i remember she was amazing.
Skylar: She was?
Hal: Yeah, she was, you kind of look like her.
Skylar: It's , just i don't remember much about her, i was young when she, died.
Skylar: Oh that's funny you say that, your dad the same thing, to me a fee days ago.
Hal: He did, well great minds both think alike and your good to, but you were obsessed with that song, what was it called?
(Then Ben said from doorway.)
Ben: Don't Rain On My Parade, Barbra Streisand.
Skylar: Ok, fine, i can sing.
(I said as i sat on the couch, then Ben sat next to me and we weren't that close.)
Hal: You know your getting a little close there.
Skylar: You know, Hal, you might wannabe shutting your face there.
Hal: Really?
Skylar: Yeah, really?
Hal: Oohh someone's testy.
(I got up and went upstairs to check on the kids,they were fine and i came downstairs and Ben was gone.)
Hal:  So are they okay?
Skylar: They are fine, something you wanna tell me?
(I said glancing at the couch and there was no Ben, sitting on the end of it.)
Jimmy: Ben is going to find the others and get help.
Hal: Yeah, what he said.
Skylar: He will be okay right?
Hal: Yeah he will be.
(He said, walking over to me and bringing me in for a hug.)
Hal: If you like him, just tell him.
Skylar: I never said i liked him, you jerk.
(I said punching him, playfully.)
Hal: Then what is it?
Skylar: I don't want you guys to die, i don't have any family left and you and your brothers and your dad are they only family i have left.
Hal: We wont, if we...
(He was cut off.)
Calyton: You can come out now, it's safe now, i promise.
Lourdes: Oh yeah they wouldn't find us would they?
(I gave her a look and i said.)
Skylar: Go get the kids.
(The next thing i knew, Tom was asking us to come out and they took our guns and we were walking.)
Skylar: Tom, where's...
(He cut me off.)
Tom: Safe.
(We had reached our destination the same place we just escaped from and we were back.)
Clayton: Put them in barn.
(Al of a sudden, i heard a shot.)
(I grabbed Matt, and covered him with my body for protection. Then I heard Captain Weaver's voice.)
Weaver: Give the guns up and no one else gets hurt?
(Another shot, i handed Matt to Lourdes and i punched a guy and grabbed his gun and aimed it at him.)
Weaver: Give them up.
(Then someone shot the ones with guns.)
Matt: Dad.
(He ran over to Tom. And Tom hugged his son and Hal went over to his dad and hugged him too.)
(Then Ben came down the spiral stairs and he saw his dad and he said.)
Ben: Dad?
(He ran over to him and he hugged his dad. I was on the other side of the house, i came around,and when I saw Ben, i yelled out his name.)
Skylar: Ben?
(He turned and he saw me and he said.)
Ben: Sky?
(I ran over to him and i jumped into his arms and he wrapped his arms around me tight.)
Ben: Your okay?
Skylar: I am fine.
(I punched him and i said.)
Skylar: Oh and don't ever do that again, you know i ran track, back in school and i still can, i am fast.
(We got back to the school, and i walked into our sleeping quarters and Ben was changing his shirt.)
Skylar: Oh umm, i'm sorry.
Ben: It's okay.
(I turned back around.)
(Then he said,)
Ben: You can turn around now.
(I turned back around and he had a shirt on. Then he said.)
Ben: I need to know something.
Skylar: And that is??
(I said looking at the book shelf.)
Ben: Before the invasion... did you...
(He looked down at his shoes.)
Ben: Did you like me then or did you just decide to like me now?
Skylar: Oh umm... i was shy and quiet when it came to being around you, i always stuttered, i couldn't even get a word out when you were around and i always would just walk away fast because you overwhelmed me, so yes before the invasion and everyday after that.
Ben: And now, what about now?
(He said stepping closer to me.)
Skylar: Still do?
Ben: Good.
(He grabbed my hand and inclosed his fingers into mine, so we were holding hands. Then Hal walked in.)
Hal: Whoa, full on love fest.
(He teased.)
(I smiled and said.)
Skylar: And now, a full on punch fest.
(He didn't know what i Mean and he said.)
Hal: Huh?
Skylar: Mr Fist, meet Hal Mason, Hal Mason, Meets Mr fist?
(I went to punch him, but Ben held me back.)

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