Part 7

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Skylar: I have a Loving boyfriend, friends and an amazing family, how can i want to change that.

Hal: So your serious, you would follow us anywhere.

Skylar: Anywhere Ben is, i wanna be there too.

Tom: You really are in love with my son aren't you?

Skylar: And i will never stop, he is my Forever.

Ben: And she's my Forever.

Hal: But your young, how do you know your going to be each other's forever?

Ben: How do we know?

Hal: Yeah?

Ben: When i'm around her, i am at my best, when she is around i light up and she brings out the best in me, i can't imagine being with anyone else but her, when i go to sleep and i am laying next to her, i am thinking about her, when i wake up in the morning, she is the first thing i think about, i am always thinking of how i can make her happy, and when i'm not around her.....

(He paused and looked me and said.)

Ben: I miss her, and how else do i know she is my Forever, when i wake up and go to sleep everyday she is the only one i want laying right to me, because no matter what, i'm always going to love her.

Hal: Doe's she feel the same way thought?

Skylar: Do you remember how i became Matt's babysitter?

Hal: Uhhh i don't know.

Skylar: Your mom & your brother Matt where food shopping & she was on the phone while Matt was shoving everything and anything he could get away with into the trolley, and i wasn't looking and bumped into her and she dropped her cell phone and the battery came out and i helped her pick it up and she said to me "Just been a bad day, the babysitter canceled and now my phone is broken." I smiled at her and put her cellphone back together, and i said to her,"Uhhh, i could babysit for you." And she told me i was too young and maybe when i am older, but i gave her my number and i am guessing she was desperate by the time she got to the registers, i was in the parking lot, waiting for Damon to pick me up, he was late as always and she came up to me and gave me her address & number and said,"Can you be there by before 5pm?" And I said i would....

(Maggie cut me off.)

Maggie: What this to do with, you knowing Ben is your forever?

Skylar: Let me finish.

Skylar: I said to her i would be there, and when Damon dropped me off and i realised who she was, i walked up to the door and i knocked on it and when it opened, i turned around, Ben was standing there, and i realised i was babysitting the little brother of my Crush, i knew we would be seeing a lot of each other.

Ben: I remember that, uhh i got you a drink and i accidentally spilled it on you and had a huge grape stain on your t-shirt.

Skylar: When i go to sleep at night, i am thinking about Ben, when i wake up in the morning, i'm thinking about him, sometimes i don't know how i got so lucky, but then i remember that day in supermarket and i know that i was luckiest girl in the world. When he walks into a room i light up and i smile, sometimes it feels like we are the only ones left on the planet, Ben brings the good out in me, when he is gone, all i can think about is, when he coming back, is he safe, will i see him again, He makes me happy more then anything or anyone ever could, i'd follow him anywhere, because i found my forever and i am happy.

Maggie: Well it's official, they are in love.

Ben: Of course we are.

Skylar: Stop the car.

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