Part 6

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Part 6:

(I was gone for about 3 hours, when Ben came and found me.)

Ben: It's a girl, her name is Alexis Lexi Glass Mason.

Skylar: I can't wait to meet her.

Ben: You need help?

Skylar: Yeah, i do, can you and Deni help, i have melted it down and put it altogether, i just have to load into the ammo packs, i have 600 left to do.

Ben: Yeah sure.

(He went and found Deni.)

Deni: Okay, what do we have to do?

Skylar: Load the bullets in the ammo packs, 50 per pack.

Pope: We are going out, to find some more med supplies.

Skylar: And i should what hand over guns and ammo, no, no, who is sending you and do they know i haven't given you back your privileges?

Pope: Your really pissed i get it,but oh hey look theres Mason, kiss and make up, make her nicer.

Ben: We wont be doing that?

(Maggie came into the room.)

Maggie: It's true we are going?

Pope: See Miss cranky pants, we are going.

Skylar: Maggie, i would gladly give you anything you want, if you shoot him right here and now, he is getting on my nerves, and your going to have to wait, because we have to finish these ammo packs.

Maggie: How many do have left to do?

Skylar: Not enough for a scout.

Maggie: I'll help.

Skylar: I will grab the guns, and left over ammo.

(I left and i went into the armoury and Deni came in behind me and she said.)

Deni: I didn't know you and Ben were a thing?

Skylar: Uhh we were, but we aren't anymore.

Deni: You want to though, don't you?

Skylar: Is it that obvious?

Deni: Yeah and whenever we are together, all he talks about is you, i know he still wants you, your both just at mad at each other, but it will work itself out.

(I smiled, i didn't like her at first but, i think i do, and then i said to her.)

Skylar: Uhhh, give these to Pope and everyone else, who is going with them.

Deni: Sure thing.

(She walked out and i looked back, Ben likes her too, so i locked up and i finished the ammo and locked it away and, then Deni said.)

Deni: Hey why don't you come with Ben and i, we are going to gather intel on...

(I cut her off.)

Skylar: Oh yeah sorry Ben mentioned that before, sorry, i will go unlock the armoury and you can grab what you need.

Ben: No, She asked, if you wanted to come with?

Skylar: Oh, uhh thanks, but, i have to check on Matt, cause umm he is in detention, so just be safe.

(I gave them what they needed and i locked. Yes i know i lied, i was going back to grab my stuff, so i was in the room, my bag packed, i had some ammo and some guns, i ripped out the song i wrote for Ben, I left the keys for the ammo shed and i grabbed my bag and left. I snuck out, being here was hard, i waited a long time for Ben and then i get him and i mess up again, and i can't be here, watching him be around Deni.)

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